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Hi Tech Molds

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Does anyone here know if HI tech molds are still in business? I've been trying to get in touch to have some jig molds made and get no replies.Its tough trying to find a custom mold shop . Delmart is not taking any work until after the new year and Collins is finished.

thanks for any info guys.

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David Aery of Hook Solutions is definitely a good person to do business with. I have not had any molds done by him, however I have done other business with him and he is always very helpful. BTW can you elaborate on what happened with Collins? if you would rather send me a PM that is fine as well.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I'm going to give Hook solutions a call or email and see what is needed by them to produce some molds. I've inquired about some molds made over seas and they would be produced in stainless steel which will be too heavy for handling a all day typr pour. Cost is great, but wait time really sucks. Delmart says they wont take any new mold jobs until after the new year, and this is the pouring season for me and would be nice to pour now. Lol.

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Dummy me, I didn't realize until now it said jig mold. Kinda self explanatory now.

If you don't mind me asking, what was the quoted price, or at least an estimate. If you are not comfortable telling that is fine, I'm just thinking of having a lure body mold made.


I doubt you can afford it and you would have to have a parent buy itfor you since you wouldn't leagally be able to enter into contract. But why do yo need a custom, Do-it has a lure body mold. I'm not trying to be smart but if you have a deign it would probable cost $200+ depending on design and the size and amount of cavities.

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I doubt you can afford it and you would have to have a parent buy itfor you since you wouldn't leagally be able to enter into contract. But why do yo need a custom, Do-it has a lure body mold. I'm not trying to be smart but if you have a deign it would probable cost $200+ depending on design and the size and amount of cavities.

I wouldn't want it now, probably sometime next summer. I plan on buying the do-it lure body mold and pot when I feel I'm good enough at airbrushing to make them look good. Anyhow, I would like a mold to make Panter Martin style spinner bodies. I have about $400 in cash, but I'm using it to buy stuff to make lures for next spring. If I really needed it, I could sell some coins, but anyhow I'm just thinking towards the 2014 fishing season. I tend to get a little anxious occasionally.

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I wouldn't want it now, probably sometime next summer. I plan on buying the do-it lure body mold and pot when I feel I'm good enough at airbrushing to make them look good. Anyhow, I would like a mold to make Panter Martin style spinner bodies. I have about $400 in cash, but I'm using it to buy stuff to make lures for next spring. If I really needed it, I could sell some coins, but anyhow I'm just thinking towards the 2014 fishing season. I tend to get a little anxious occasionally.

I should have worded my post a little better. I didn't want to discourage you, what I want to say is you are better off getting the Do-it mold and saving the rest for a melting pot and such. For Panther Martin spinners you really only need to make the Do-it lure body in a size that is bigger than what you want to make and then cut it down and use a dremel to shape. I've shaped jigs with a dremel and it takes only seconds when you get it down exactly what you want to do.

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I should have worded my post a little better. I didn't want to discourage you, what I want to say is you are better off getting the Do-it mold and saving the rest for a melting pot and such. For Panther Martin spinners you really only need to make the Do-it lure body in a size that is bigger than what you want to make and then cut it down and use a dremel to shape. I've shaped jigs with a dremel and it takes only seconds when you get it down exactly what you want to do.

$200 could buy the pot, ladle, some lead and a mold or 2. Do you have any experience with worm weights? Could they be used as a body?


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Depending on the complexity of the mold, costs will vary. If you design the mold yourself and have the concept all figured out along with dimensioned drawings and preferably a cad file then that is half the battle. If the guy machining it has to do everything that is another story. You have to understand that time is money. Your machinist is not your dad or your brother they want to get paid for all that they do. This is not to discourage anyone as we all want something custom sometimes. The thing is if you go down that road, will it eventually pay off and be profitable. I am a cad designer, and I can make you 3d models of molds to fill a book, however like at work, going rate is around $30- $40/hour. Something simple can take a couple to 4 hours. Complicated even more. If you make a lot of changes and you are unsure, well then it will be even more. Where I'm going with this, is have a game plan and make it simple.

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I think I will just hold off for a mold and such until next summer at the soonest. I could design the drawing in CAD, with a little help, but either way. The teacher at my school who has the CAD classes is really nice, and he likes me since I gave him a lure that he was nailing bass with this summer. I'll just start off easy with Do-Its mold, and if I think I will need the mold I talked about I can think about it then.


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If you're just getting into pouring lead, and you're young, be SURE to use proper breathing protection and ventilation. Do your pouriing in a dedicated place away from living areas, and wash well afterwards.

Lead fumes, especially with young people, can affect your reproductive system.

I recently had to take a lead "awareness" class because I am a licensed general contractor in Calif., and I was shocked to learn how lead affects people. It is a bad actor!

Lead in paint was outlawed in this country in 1976.

It was outlawed in Germany in 1922, when they realized lead miners were getting sick.

So it was no secret that lead was dangerous for the 54 years it took for our country to ban it. Makes me angry when I think of how many kids in those years, and the years since, have been sickened from eating lead paint, and breathing lead paint dust.

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be extremely careful outside especially under trees ......... 1 drop of moisture in your pot of hot lead will cause an explosion of hot lead that will cause permanent damage to you ........... seen it happen ....... though we were all very lucky ........ only 1 small drop on my hand but it left a permanent scar.

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You have so many experienced guys here giving you such good information, and my advice to you is heed their warnings. We are not out to scare you away from pouring and or your love of this hobby. However, there are a lot of things to consider here. It is not about pouring lead, painting them and selling them. You may be one of those young fellows that takes every precaution, and that is the best way to look at it. If you think you're very cautious, make sure you are doubly cautious. I have lead tests done every year. I do pour in a garage because of the mention of a drop of water or even a bug falling into your pot. Any moisture falling into your pot is a cause for alarm and possible disaster. My honest advice to you is to not pour outside and to buy all of your jigs, spinners or whatever in the raw state, and then paint them and assemble them yourself. It will definitely be cheaper for you in the long run, without spending all the money on molds, pot, lead, hooks and other components. If you do pursue pouring your own lures, by all means think it through ask questions, and be very, very careful. Better to be safe then sorry.

Edited by cadman
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