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Hollow Body Soft Lure

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Hi , my first post on a great forum. I have a Galomb injection machine that I have been using for years now doing hard plastic lures. Works great. I have the best results for molds using either Devcon liquid stainless steel (VERY expensive) or recently JB Weld which works great on smaller lures. I'm now into soft plastic lures and am wondering if anyone has used this machine to do soft plastics. I will have this mold done on a CNC out of aluminum using IGES files for the software as I want really good detail. I've had no problem with the hard plastic as it takes a good pressure to shoot and does not run out of the mold. However, the plastisol is like water and I am concerned about how to pressure inject the mold and not have it run out of the mold. Any help would be appreciated. CD

BTW. Happy to share any info on shooting hard plastic lures. Even two part hollow body !!

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I know someone who is going to make a mold for hard plastics but dont know the real differance other than they are steel. I dont think you will have an issue with the plastic running out. As soon as it comes in contact with the seam it will solidify. Maybe a little flashing but not running out. Good luck . Frank

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I have no exp. with that set up but have been thinking a lot about going down that road for hard plastic and soft plastic. CaptDale have any how to's, pics or videos you can share with me? Also how large of baits you injecting either soft or hard? Would like to learn more.

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Hi J Lure - Yes I can share a lot of info learned by trial and error over the last five years or so. I have no connection with Galomb other than I own one of his machines. It is most excellent for that purpose. Have only done hard plastic lures (complex hollow body two part glued together) with it so far but have no doubt I can also do soft. If I can figure out how to attach pics I will do so of some of the lures I have made. The machine as it is now is limited to 1 cu. inch of material, enough for a four inch zara spook type or similar. I think the price is right at $2K at this time. His mold forms are expensive but you can make your own out of extruded aluminum in a rectangular shape very cheap. I have made minor modifications to the machine so that it takes about 2.5 cu in of plastic and a bigger mold. I.E.- larger cavity and piston. For soft plastics the best I have seen for small lures is the do-it clear plastic molds and hand injectors but they refuse to tell me who makes those molds. Somebody should be able to hack that. I wanted whatever company that did that to make me a custom mold. Check out the utube videos i think posted by jannstackle or do-it ? Impressive. If you have access to a CNC shop and have a more complex , high detail , custom design you can have the design 3D scanned by Exact Metrology for the CNC IGES and/or STP files for around $800 then have a small custom mold made by a CNC shop for approx $1000. I was able to get two patents doing that. Not cheap but cheapest I could find for that serious direction. Of course now I'm broke but hey, can't take it with you LOL. I'll try to post some pics later when I get on my other computer. There is a nitch market for this type thing if you have a lure design that really works. A lot of guys zip lock bag the lure with their company name and address on it and sell them to the small mom and pop, 7-11 type stores close to major fishing areas and post them on line. They give some to the local guides also. When they really do work the word of mouth is best ever. Most of the major lure companies that have lures patented have a design rather than a utility patent so yours has to be at least 10% different than theirs. I.E.- feet flat rather than fat, feet going left rather than right , eyes bulging rather than sunken Etc. Sorry for the rambling post. Later CD

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Thanks Mark. Yes they do look good. They were painted by Oscar Chilton. They look pretty innocent but not so. Each lure has a inplanted microchip that detects when the lure is in the water and turns on a sound playback via a 12mm waterproof speaker. What ever actual live critter sound I programmed it with. I did the underwater stuff with a hydrophone and the shore stuff with a small parabolic antenna with a mic at the focal point. Frogs go "ribbit", crayfish make a "click click click" sound, etc. It will play back one cycle each time you twitch the line. Has a motion sensor. Runs off a micro Lithium cell that is recharged by placeing the lure in a magnetic inductance cup charger so no wires. Like a electric toothbrush. And best of all they do catch Bass. The ones in the pics are mostly top water especially good early spring but also good anytime up by the bank, lily pads, grass etc. I received a patent on these about a week ago. Long, complex and expensive undertaking but that is why I got into it in the first place. I fished the shallow water lures for the first time at Lake Fork last March and they did really good. I'll go back next March and do some videos and see if I can't sell the patent. We will see. I'm thinking I might show them at the ICAST in Las Vegas in July.


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Holy smokes, Techmaster!

"implanted microchip"

"waterproof speaker"



"parabolic antenna"

"motion sensor"

"micro Lithium cell"

"magnetic inductance cup charger"

Seriously though, hearty congrats on the patent award!

You are one serious inventor.

Good luck!


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Hi Rixon - Thanks. Got my start in the U.S. Army electronics school in 1960 when I was 19 !! Now you know how old I am >LOL< Long and interesting work all over the world. And I love to fish for bass so had to happen. Compulsive excessive for sure. About got the bugs worked out of the soft (plastisol) hollow lures so that pleases me. The forum led to some really good "tricks" of the trade which really helped. I'll post some pics when I get something worth showing. CD

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Thanks Mark, I do too. Long and expensive process and the competition is brutal. Bass Pro lawyers got all over me when I TM'd some of the designs years ago. I changed it and they backed off. With all the micro surface mount parts out now you can make stuff really small. And cheap. Best i've done so far is $.92 each lure complete and that is buying parts in very small quantities. Just use parts that go into cell phones and iPads. There are a kazillion of them so the price is really cheap compared to parts that are not normally used. If they can put all that stuff in a iPad about the size of a fat credit card, you could fold it in half and stick the whole thing in a spook. Or put it on a flexible pcb and roll it up like a pencil and stick it in a lure. iPad in a lure. Thats an idea LOL There are some nice lures out there that this would work really well with but they can't do that as this is a utility patent. I.E. - the patent is not on what it looks like but what it does and how it does it !! I would not mind partenering with some of them but haven't explored that path yet. Just saying. Anyway, the saga continues. CD

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