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WebPageStuff for Jerry

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Jerry, have noticed a few things about the webpage and thought I would put them down here for you.

1. Sometimes I will log on, hit enter and it hasn't logged...so then I do it again then go to the hardbait forum and again I'm not logged in!

2. I notice both at home with my dail up connection and at work with a server that I will have to refresh the page several times to get into the picture gallery.

Finally, when you hit "reply" to add a message on a particular topic the message box will pop up but just sit there and kind of tweak for awhile before letting you type...this may be a couple seconds or ten seconds.

Thought you might like to know about this stuff Jerry.

TU Rules and I am very thankful for all of your efforts to keep this site up and running.


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I'm sure this will get moved to another catagory, but I'll add my pennies worth now.

I have the EXACT same problems you speak of.............but ONLY at work.

At work, because of what I do, I sit behind multiple firewalls (no joke) with high security restrictions. I have very limited access to where I can go and what I can do.

Luckily I can still look around here and post during the day. :D But when the server is having any type of issues, or they are playing with the network, there are times I can't even display a web page other then the military pages hosted inside the server.

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moved from "Hard Baits" to "the Docks"

Yeah, its something in the software, I'm waiting for another stable release before I upgrade the forums, so for now, we'll just have to tuff it out.

I have a problem of not being able to "logout" .....the site just wont let go of me for some reason :)

I'm actually looking for workarounds right now, I'll post what I find.

Thanks for the info.


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The logging problem is a user problem not a board problem,( unless the Cache on the board is not pointed to the correct dir. ,I found this out the hard way)

the user problem you can fix like this.

try clearing your cookies and temp internet files. then reboot. this will fix it 99% of the time.

you can also hit "ctrl and F-5" at the same time to clear temp cache on your pc.(its like a refresh) it will help but only until your cookies see it again, tahts why its a good idea to clear cookies on a regular basis.


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