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Tony P

Cavecrafts.com Or Other Sites To Sell Our Products?

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I tie a lot of flies & jigs & I'm looking for a place to sell some of the stuff I make. Besides eBay what other venues do you guys sell your creations on? I looked at cave crafts.com but there hasn't been any activity there since I first looked at it last year. I even tried to contact them to see what's up with the site but never received an email back so I assume that they aren't really operating the site.



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Sometimes your local community will have a website where you can sell things or offer services. We have one here in East Texas that's sort of like the classifieds or some of the old swap shop type ads. They have categories for vehicles, homes, clothing, outdoor equipment, sporting goods, etc.


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Speaking of etsy, I just looked at the site... very interesting "lure" on there.... just wondering if the maker of it is on here.... I'd post the item/description, but don't know if that'd be ok.

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