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Rodney, if I knew what "punky" meant I'd be able to help you more. I'm not trying to be smart but it seems a lot of people like different deer hair. For example, some like really coarse and stiff hair other like like soft hair and most are inbetween. Now bucktails run the gamet and a lot of how they are comes from how they are dyed. I have been tying bucktail jigs for cold water bass fising for a long time and recently I've been learning to use other materials but I've been buying Cabelas bucktails a long time, but I do use others as Cabelas is limited on colors. The reason I like Cabelas bucktails is the consistency, I've been getting the bucktails and zonker strips from them for a long time. The tails are always nice and big and the zonker strips are a dollar more than most but they put 6' instead of 3' like most. I alos go to a place called "Over The Edge Tackle", they sell Spitit River UV2 materials as well as the regular Spirit River stuff, the reason I like Spirit River is the materials are top of the line for a great price, now remember, this isn't cheap but the material could easily sell for more. Just about every tail I used that is chartreuse, olive, blue and gray seem to be a little more coarse that the other colors so it may be the dye but once I find out what you don't like I can help further.

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Thanks for the help guys! Smalljaw, the tails in question looked like they came from malnourished deer that had male pattern balding, It may have been just these few tails but I would rather find a new source, the Gander Mountain near me used to sell tails and belly hair, they were good just not a great selection, only about 3 colors. The Bass Pro down the road from me has a decent selection of colors and the tails are good. I use both soft and stiff hair and I like to use a blend of the different colors in a single tail.

I'm hooked on tying jigs specially hair and I may have to start selling them, right now I've been giving away my surplus. It is an addictive hobby.LOL


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Thanks for the help guys! Smalljaw, the tails in question looked like they came from malnourished deer that had male pattern balding, It may have been just these few tails but I would rather find a new source, the Gander Mountain near me used to sell tails and belly hair, they were good just not a great selection, only about 3 colors. The Bass Pro down the road from me has a decent selection of colors and the tails are good. I use both soft and stiff hair and I like to use a blend of the different colors in a single tail.

I'm hooked on tying jigs specially hair and I may have to start selling them, right now I've been giving away my surplus. It is an addictive hobby.LOL


I'm hooked on it too so don't feel bad, anyway go to this place http://grandpabobscustomjigs.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=35

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