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Page Loading Speed?

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...............and I' ve though , it was only on my computer ?

About 10 hours from now the site was down for maintainance , I was just about to transmit a PM ....but same problem again !

But as I saw just now , the PM was still submitted four or five times , as I had impatiently hammered the button :lol: !

Also have this slow -loading problem for more than a week now , ...but there was one short part inbetween , when it went at usual speed .

Hope , it's gonna be fixed soon , ......cheers , diemai :yay:

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Hey guys, I too am having the same problem, I don't know what this means but yesterday Redg8r posted the following about this problem it was an answer to this same question in "The Docks Forum". Maybe you computer Gurus can explain it so that people like me can understand it.

TU is getting pounded by spambots atm.

Pretty smart, given they expect staff to be out for the holidays.

over 1200 registrations blocked today alone and theyre still trying, all different IP's

Our spam monitoring service is working, as none have gotten thru, but it is taking up alot of resources to do so.

I'm watching the server and making adjustments as necessary, you may see sporadic downtime while I reboot services. sorry, but its about all I can do for now.

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@ JBlaze

Thanks for info , .....sadly I'm a computer dummy either , ....but I guess I can about figure out what is going on , ........the site is attacked by a very high amount of spam , so the spam monitoring takes a long time to sort these out , ......due to the sheer amounts of spams this is taking a longer time resulting into sluggish uploads and submissions .

I'd like to have these bloody spam buggas fried in hot oil :pissed: !

Just an explanation of a complete dummy , though , .......cheers , Dieter :yay:

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