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The Envirotex Challenge

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It was BlackJack that mentioned having the problems with yellowing...I only made reference to this. Your experiences with the Enviro are most impressive however I must admit. Thank you.


Ah, Devcon may yellow over time, this remains to be seen, but please don't tell me the stuff isn't clear to begin with.....two coats of Devcon on this bait and I have a 100 others that look equally as good.

Devcon has been used on this site and tacklemaking for several years at least. I would be interested in hearing from guys that coated their baits 3,4, 5 years ago, how do they look now?











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Mr. B

Both clears will cover the vinal just fine.

( my vote Etex)

Just woried if you thin to much before using.

Might bleed the colors some.

But a straight 50/50 mix will work, provided the the vinal is fully cured.

But you could just get away with a vinal clear, but they are not that high of a gloss finish that you will get from the epoxy.

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I've been using the ETex for years with only one small problem. But first, I cannot get Devcon where I live so I bought a whack of ETex. As for any other product...well I already had a pile of ETex.

I make muskie baits as many might know. THe one problem I had was with a single bait de-laminating. Having said that, this bait has caught many muskies and is usually speed trolled at 5 mph+ ...something that's not normally an issue for bass and walleye guys. Although we have caught some HUGE walleye with our muskie baits...

Oh yah, no problems with ETex yellowing.

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All this talk about Devcon turning yellow...so where is an example, where's the beef? Seems there has been an equal amount of problems mentioned here with the Enviro. If the Devcon turns yellow then there must be an example as it has been used for literally years and years by tackle-builders. I looked at some floats I made about a year ago with Devcon the other night and they are as clear today as they were the day I completed them....lets see some pics.


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Jim.....splash is a big fan of the nu-lustre 55, you could write him and see what he has to say about it. He claims it is by far the best thing out there but I haven't tried it as of yet. I tried to find a link for you to his web-site but can't seem to find it right now.

Volp...from the description the EX-74 does look good, might be worth a try....wonder if they have a trial size.


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looking though multitudes of past creations, I found lures dated as early as 1992 that were coated with Etex and still had great NON yellowed lustre. I have used many products over the years and what I have found most important is what you use for a primer and base coat under the top coat. Epoxy based coatings yellow and get non desired effects when you use petro based paints or solvents under especially if they are not allowed to totally catalize before top coat (usually more than just "dry to touch"). also have found that certain plastics dont cover well with epoxy, especially ones that may be "hot" or contain unusual mixtures of solvents, or halves are glued together with acetone or solvent.

I believe this is why the traps that Chip used for the test were a poor test subject. Also feel it would be a poor decision to rub with solvents between coatings, light fine grit sanding would be better idea... (JMO)

Use of infra red lamp between any coatings of paint helps dry all solvents before next coating is applied. trapping non catalized paints or hot solvents under epoxy coatings will always lead to undesired effects in the future, no matter what favorite brand of epoxy coating you use.


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I think BlackJack brings up a very important subject that all of us should be considering and that is UV damage' date=' particularly if you are selling your baits as I am. What are you finishing with now BlackJack? I know I have beaten this subject before but I don't want to see my baits do what he saw the Enviro did after just three years!! Some have said here that after a couple years they expect to throw the bait away anyway, I disagree. A bait if properly made and cared for should last decades.

[b']I am conducting my own experiment at this time with Devcon...as I write this it is sitting on the dash of my pickup in direct sunlight, half of the bait I covered with tape. I intend to leave the bait there for two or three weeks, if nothing has changed I will continue to leave the bait there until some noticable damage has been done. [/b]I also intend to conduct a test on the durability of devcon, still trying to decide how best to do this.

Chip......16 hours on the dryer!!! Yikes! I run my Devcon finish for 20 minutes and stop the machine, 30 minutes max. So does the Enviro have a UV protector in it?


Jed, the widshield may block the UV rays and may not give you a true evaluation.

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As to the concern of Devcon yellowing with age, could this possibly result from adding to much catalyst/hardner? I haven't had the opportunity to use devcon epoxy and don't know if there is a thermal reaction associated with the curing, if so, it could explain the varied results that have been expressed here. I have seen fiberglass that would darken from adding to much catalyst to the resin, and once too the point the mixture self-ignited.

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Yes Shawn! The forumula that it is being designed from is being used by terrestrial applications and space agencies for solar electric installations. The main need for space is UV hardness, for terrestrial, it is UV hardness and being water proof. A solar cell is of no value if the sun damages the surface.

Thats what got my tinker going on this material for lures....

CatchingConcepts Great info! Just wanted to pass onthat I am not using solvents.. :?

Yall take Care!


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Wow, sounds like it's made with our "minds in mind"...kinda like a porno flick, lol.

The only thing that looks of concern is the dried thickness...3-5 microns, very thin! It might be necessary to apply several coats for good protection, particulary from the more toothy species....like MUSKY!


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