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How To Get The Black Scale Pattern?

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I spray a color basecoat of white, then a dark color over the area to be scaled (often Createx Gray). Then I cover it with netting and spray the same white basecoat over the netting. The critical part is to use the right white acrylic paint. The best I've found is Superhide White by Polytranspar. It has lots of pigment so it hides dark paint quickly and it dries very quickly, leaving a neat, distinct scale effect on the lure without running or gumming it up. I tone down the effect after I remove the netting by overspraying colors on the scales and/or erasing scale effect from unwanted areas with a little more Superhide White. I dry the paint with a hair dryer after each paint shot.

This method has an extra step or two but it provides neat, reliable results. I had given up on trying dark scale effects until Rayburn Guy suggested this.

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Here's a couple more tips that may help you. Make sure your netting is stretched tightly over the lure. I sometimes tear the netting pulling it so hard to make sure it's wrapped tightly. If your still having problems getting the scale pattern try this. Spray a light coat of whatever color you want your scales to be over the netting once it's on the lure. Paint wants to wick it's way under the scale material and this is probably why your scales aren't showing up. By spraying a light coat of your scale color over the netting it helps seal the netting to the bait and prevent this from happening. Remember you need to spray light coats of paint. Too much buildup of paint over the netting will result in the paint lifting when you go to remove the netting.


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Here's a couple more tips that may help you. Make sure your netting is stretched tightly over the lure. I sometimes tear the netting pulling it so hard to make sure it's wrapped tightly. If your still having problems getting the scale pattern try this. Spray a light coat of whatever color you want your scales to be over the netting once it's on the lure. Paint wants to wick it's way under the scale material and this is probably why your scales aren't showing up. By spraying a light coat of your scale color over the netting it helps seal the netting to the bait and prevent this from happening. Remember you need to spray light coats of paint. Too much buildup of paint over the netting will result in the paint lifting when you go to remove the netting.


Here's a couple more tips that may help you. Make sure your netting is stretched tightly over the lure. I sometimes tear the netting pulling it so hard to make sure it's wrapped tightly. If your still having problems getting the scale pattern try this. Spray a light coat of whatever color you want your scales to be over the netting once it's on the lure. Paint wants to wick it's way under the scale material and this is probably why your scales aren't showing up. By spraying a light coat of your scale color over the netting it helps seal the netting to the bait and prevent this from happening. Remember you need to spray light coats of paint. Too much buildup of paint over the netting will result in the paint lifting when you go to remove the netting.



Have you tried spraying your netting with spray adhesive? Spray the netting and let it dry. Then press it against your lure and paint. It doesn't shift or lift and removes nicely with out lifting your paint. It also seals the the edges of the netting to prevent the paint from bleeding under the netting.


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Have you tried spraying your netting with spray adhesive? Spray the netting and let it dry. Then press it against your lure and paint. It doesn't shift or lift and removes nicely with out lifting your paint. It also seals the the edges of the netting to prevent the paint from bleeding under the netting.


Great Tip!!! Thanks for sharing!

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Have you tried spraying your netting with spray adhesive? Spray the netting and let it dry. Then press it against your lure and paint. It doesn't shift or lift and removes nicely with out lifting your paint. It also seals the the edges of the netting to prevent the paint from bleeding under the netting.


No I haven't Gene, but will definitely be trying it per your suggestion.



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The only thing I can think of would be to make a stencil Mike. It seems to me that it would be extremely hard to get that pattern using any type of netting. Just make the stencil in a single line, and long enough to do the largest baits you paint, and then move it from one place to the next to paint the bars. If I'm not making sense holler back and I'll try to explain it differently. Sometimes my thoughts get tangled up somewhere between my brain and the keyboard.


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I haven't tried this, but if I were I would go about it as follows:

1) white base

2) make a stencil and shoot black bars where you want the cross hatch

3) cover with scale mesh pattern and shoot white, then maybe a pearl white over the lure.

This should leave the black cross pattern. I can see where the 3m trick would work very nicely for this.

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Another way to do it is to shoot your black through a comb without any netting. Then, throw the net over and shoot over the same comb lines in andother color. It might be hard to tell from this pic but that's how this one was done. This was an older thread of a bait by 6 sense. Mike on your picture, though it appears that the black is over the silver. That is why i think it was done with a toothpick probably running it through the grooves in the blank's scale pattern.

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg

black net.jpg


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Can someone post a pic of what your trying to do , I've added a pic to show what

black lines I've always wanted to do , but can never get it right.

Don't mean to Hi-Jack your Topic

Thanks Mike P.

Mike , No worries on the hi-jack , sounds we both trying to do the same thing and your pic are the lines I am having the trouble with I will try to post a pic in a few .


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Hey VA

See now I have to think about it , I can't , Laughing

Ok ... Once you post , go back into your post , hit edit , once in edit mode , go into

full edit mode , at the bottom of the page you will see "Attach Files" Browse , Browse your pic's , Click on pic you want , then hit "Attach This File"

Click - Submit Mod Post

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg

Sell Baits 001.jpg


Edited by MikePaintsBaits
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