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Jig Eye Colors

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Hey Guys,


I am gonna start pouring the Poison Tail and Snootie jigs shortly.  I have never poured a jig that had eyes before so I know nothing about the eyes and the best colors to use.  I know that with the various colors, sizes & styles the possibilities are endless.  I want to keep it simple.  What color eyes would you recommend?  The basic jig head colors will be Black, Black w/Blue Flake, Watermelon, Green Pumpkin, Brown and occasionally Blue.  I would like to limit it 2 or 3 colors in the various sizes.





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   I only stock three color eyes, red, gold and silver. I think those colors will cover almost anything you want to make. Eye color is personal preferance. I don't or rarely use eyes on the jigs I fish. It's more of a selling point for me. However eyes do make a jig look really good especially if you make a jig with light colors For some reason a white jig doesn't look complete if it has provisions for eyes  and you don't put any in. These are the colors combos that I use. Red and silver eyes on blk, black/blue jigs, gold eyes on brown, green pumpkin and watermelon jigs. Now when you get into lighter colors, red looks really good on white, white/yellow chart and yellow chart. jigs. Silver also looks good on a white jig with silver sides and a black dorsal line. So to put it in a nutshell, whatever you think looks good is all that matters.

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I do almost the same as Cadman except I have a few odd colors for a line of spinnerbaits and that was 1 purchase, otherwise all my other eyes are red, gold, and silver. If you want just 2 go with gold and silver and the reason is those two colors work with just about any color, red is also a good color but gold and silver are much more versatile.

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