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Mold Modifying Help

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I got the new Do-It Trokar football jig mold yesterday and made up a dozen jigs to see how they looked...turn out pretty good. Question for you guys, how hard is it to modify a Do-It mold? What have you used to modify, dremel, hand tools, or something else? I like this mold but I want to change it a little bit and take the flat bottom out of it and make it a normal football jig, also want to "smooth" out the rough edges, along with some other ideas I have.

Appreciate the advice.

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Dremel tools with metal cutting bits are used a lot of times to modify molds, but looking at the ad for this mold I would guess that the flat bottom faces up in the mold and is where the sprue is located? 


Maybe post a pic of the inside of the mold so we can see how its laid out, but it would probably be much easier to modify a regular football head mold to accept Trokar hooks than to reshape the heads on this mold.

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Well  used a dremel and it came out aweful!! I wasn't thinking and removed some of the mold material (too much) and poured some jigs and there is NO WAY of recovering the mold. To the trash it goes. Try again when I get another mold. What I was trying to do is, remove the flat spot and also remove the "groove" on the face of this mold. I've always wanted a recessed line tie football jig mold and thought that this one would do. Oh well...at least it doesn't cost that much.

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Well  used a dremel and it came out aweful!! I wasn't thinking and removed some of the mold material (too much) and poured some jigs and there is NO WAY of recovering the mold. To the trash it goes. Try again when I get another mold. What I was trying to do is, remove the flat spot and also remove the "groove" on the face of this mold. I've always wanted a recessed line tie football jig mold and thought that this one would do. Oh well...at least it doesn't cost that much.


Maybe you can use J.B. Weld to correct the mistake? If not then why not the Trokar weedless football jig instead of the shaky head?  You are the first person I heard that was trying to remove the flat area, most guys want to add a flat spot. So tell me what is wrong with just the regular football jig that you got the shaky head?

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For me, the ULTIMATE jig would be a regular football head with a recessed line tie...thought I could modify the Trokar football head to do that but I got carried away with the dremel. It's not a bad mold, I'm just not a fan of the "groove" near the line tie and the flat spot on bottom.

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