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trick trout


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Hi TT,

The dupli-k8r is a tool/jig I come up with a couple of years ago.

it works, but it isnt a production machine, as you have to manipulate it by hand.

I still support it here in a private forum, for those who have the machine plans, but Ive since then put alot of work into coming up with a better version.

I'm having trouble finding time to finish the new machine, so I'm thinking about just publishing what I have so far & maybe we here, as a group could refine it into a nice machine to save us alot of whittlin time :)

Pester me enough & I'll get around to it :wink:

Thanks for the interest,

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The latter TT,

its not computer controlled at all, but the new idea for the machine makes it hands free, once the wood is loaded in.

Thanks for the interest fellas, stay tuned, I'll upload what I have & you'll be free to discuss.

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so do you use like a master bait then put it in the machine and it and it will carve the bait out hands free the the sames size shape...


how about details like gills and inset eye holes

it wont do intricate details, lip slots or anything like that, but it gives a rough shape that should require a tiny bit of sanding. how much sanding I dont know yet :|

If your looking for tiny details, id check out this site: http://www.crankorgan.com/index.html

This guy sells plans for homebuilt CNC machines. look at the "Pooka 4th axis" (combined with the brute) this claims to do small details, but I havnt seen the plans, so I dont know how involved it is.

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Calling Jerry, come out where ever you are!!!!! It is the pesty bunch on TU. Why are you avoiding us? We would like to get this going for the winter months.


Coley, keep up the good work. We need a few more pesty guys to help keep this in front of Jerry.


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I know you said it was on the front burner' date=' but how about putting a little fire under it. :P:lol:

Actually this post was start to slide too far down.


Hmm, I?ll have to try that "Magic" word . . . PLEEEEEEAAAAASEEEE!


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