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Resin In Aluminum Molds(do-it)

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I have used Alumilite in a Do-It mold. Sometimes I have torn the alumilite casting apart getting it out of the mold. coating the cavity with Vegetable oil helped to make it a little easier to remove and I have not tried it using the dry graphite spray which Might be a better option.

another thing is that it always left a residual film which coated  the the mold cavity and after several castings all the small details of the castings were no longer discernible. then came the process of scraping and cleaning out the cavity. A real P.I.A.

By the way, I was using the Ultra Minnow Mold to make my Bama/Tennessee Rigs.

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I use a mold release agent called Frekote 770 in an aerosol can. It is sold by Henkel Loctite. It works great. No mold build up and hardly any smell. You can lightly and I mean as little as you can spray in between every other pour and the Alumilite resin will almost jump out of the mold perfectly when you open the mold.  I have a friend that works for Henkel that gave me a can and I have made hundreds of rigs perfectly without any sticking in the mold. Absolutely the best solution I have found. I still have 3/4 of the first can. I don't know what it costs but it is worth every penny.


Here in middle TN and North AL most of the good fisherman will not buy one made of tin or lead. That is why the Yumbrella is the most popular one sold.


Hope this helps.

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I do not have the A-rig mold. I use the same mold that Andy Poss used to make to original A-rig. It is the Do It H style spinner bait mold. I use the 1 1/2 oz cavilty. I just drilled out the bottom of the mold where the hook came out of the cavity to acomodate the wires.I filled the skirt collar area of the mold with J B Weld. It has eyes on it but not much other detail so it comes out of the mold good. it is a little larger head and takes more plastic but it is tough as a tank when finished. I use gate cutters to cut off the spru and an exacto knife to scrape the seams smooth. I don't do anything before I paint. I use and airbrush and start with opaque white base coat.

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