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The Ban On Soft Plastics

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I am taking a guess but P.E.T.A. tried to do away with lead sinkers, etc. Are they behind this?

I am guessing they will take any route possible to stop fishing and hunting.

My thoughts exactly. Those people will try anything. In the past everytime their name comes up sportsmen/women get their hackles up. So; if they get all that resistance with their name, why not try to get sneeky about it and do some silent lobbying like a lot of the other groups.


Just like the old saying. "if the front door is locked, try the backdoor". lol

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Not just PETA, but it's all the Obamanista dems/libs who want to restore the Earth to the Garden of Eden... wait, they don't believe in the Bible..restore the Earth to the garden of  errr, albert "the hutt" gore.  


these kinds of proposed laws need to be contended with at every turn.


Except the bill is being presented by Representative Paul Davis, who is a Republican.

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bflp, so you think GOP is behind most of enviro/wacko movement in this nation??  don't know about the Repub guy you referenced, but if he's anything GOP Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) ..he's really a democrat. Maine "Republicans" are very liberal...guess they are too close to Massachusetts.


It may be time for a third party...not many Rubio/Ryan type reformers in GOP. 

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bflp, so you think GOP is behind most of enviro/wacko movement in this nation??  don't know about the Repub guy you referenced, but if he's anything GOP Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) ..he's really a democrat. Maine "Republicans" are very liberal...guess they are too close to Massachusetts.


It may be time for a third party...not many Rubio/Ryan type reformers in GOP. 

Hey, this is no place for politics.............................


But as for a third party, I agree.  Garthsnooks for president??????

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AArcher...let me get this straight. We are talking about possible legislation that may effect the very future of many on this forum and you say "this is no place for politics"...whoa, nellie!!! (even though your "Garthsnooks for Prez does have a certain ring to it! But I digress..)  


I think we see in this nation what happens when a nation forsakes God (our leaders anyway) and falls asleep. We better become more active than we ever have been..and pray that this nation doesn't become prey for our enemies (even more than it has) 


Garthsnooks, fiercely independent, but also knowing God has made us to be interdependent with each other.

Non-member FDIC

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Ben. read my lips..in this case politics are at the very center of the topic of banning plastics baits via legislation, therefore politics is at the very heart of the matter, regardless of how many posts you've made on this site, that's the truth.


This isn't a building tackle building issue..it's about politicians that seemingly want to undo an industry.

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Garth I don't have to read your lips. I'm not arguing whether or not politics is at the root of this issue. Nor will I on this website. The fact remains that per the rules of this website, which I might add everyone is supposed to read before posting a question or reply on this site, discussions about such things as politics and religion are not allowed. If you don't believe me then go back and read the rules.


And as far as how many posts I've made on this website that has nothing to do with the subject either. I've never made any claim that my opinion matters more than any other individual because of the number of posts I've made. I can only take that as a personal jab at me and that is why hotly contested topics such as politics, and subjects of that nature, are not allowed here at http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

Edited by RayburnGuy
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Guys I think this is one time and one time only that a political subject has something to do directly with TU. If this ban is put into affect then the very subject on this forum can and most likely will be considered illegal in that state. If soft plastics are banned, then of course the production of soft plastic baits will be banned.


RayburnGuy, by all means I am not disagreeing with you, you yourself know how many times I have taken a stand on what TU is all about. But this decision could affect TU and its members, but I do agree with you that the forum is not a place to air all your political views.


This is one time that everyone, and I mean everyone, on this forum should join together to oppose stupid politics. I dont think Jerry would've left the two threads on the subject up if he didn't think it was important and also I cant help but notice that on the soft plastic ban link there has only been 4 replys. By all means lets not make this personnal between two members, and we all need to follow the rules of this forum. It would be nice to see more replys on the soft plastic ban link where people have shown their support for such a worth while hobby, especialy when as of yet there is really no good reason been given for such actions. Political and religious point of views need to be sit aside and we all need to concentrate on the support of soft plastic baits until we are given a good and justified reason why soft plastic baits should not be used and what harms has it caused in that particular state. This should be the main focus of the post.

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Mike, don't get that popcorn out..lol.


Guys, i have signed and asked others to do so on another site..and would contribute to the cause, if the legislation gets further down the road.


You can't stop the political aspect of this topic (and there is a spiritual component that's underlying the politics)..BECAUSE IT"S POLITICS THAT IS DRIVING THE ISSUE!! that can't be avoided. as far as the religious issue, I get that...guilty as charged. Some people are passionate about different things. Consider that part dropped.



(non-member FDIC)

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Garth, I applaude your passion for the Lord and politics but I think this has more to do with a particular politician instead of politics as a whole.


I feel that when you open up a subject and use politics or religion as points of reference, very quickly the main focus of the subject can be lost. I understand everyone's point of view on this and believe you me, mine is very similar, but personal feelings and points of view can quickly make everyone lose sight of the true problem at hand and can also get a very important thread deleted especially if we do not all stick to the subject. The causes behind the subject at this time shouldn't be focused on as much as the subject itself, which is to help do everything we can to stop the plastic ban in Maine. One of the main goals of the folks that are trying to do this is to start arguments about politics. I think everyone that has a true concern should not fall into this trap but to stay focused on preserving the rights to fish with plastic. 


After all, discussing politics on this forum especially is really going to do nothing. Its times like this that the focus should be aimed at the politicians with letters and E-mails from people on this type of forums that way we are always focusing on the main subject. Lets all express our passions to the folks that can do something about the problem.

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Garth, I applaude your passion for the Lord and politics but I think this has more to do with a particular politician instead of politics as a whole.


I feel that when you open up a subject and use politics or religion as points of reference, very quickly the main focus of the subject can be lost. I understand everyone's point of view on this and believe you me, mine is very similar, but personal feelings and points of view can quickly make everyone lose sight of the true problem at hand and can also get a very important thread deleted especially if we do not all stick to the subject. The causes behind the subject at this time shouldn't be focused on as much as the subject itself, which is to help do everything we can to stop the plastic ban in Maine. One of the main goals of the folks that are trying to do this is to start arguments about politics. I think everyone that has a true concern should not fall into this trap but to stay focused on preserving the rights to fish with plastic. 


After all, discussing politics on this forum especially is really going to do nothing. Its times like this that the focus should be aimed at the politicians with letters and E-mails from people on this type of forums that way we are always focusing on the main subject. Lets all express our passions to the folks that can do something about the problem.

Nicely said Mike.

I keep looking for news on this bill, because I read it was supposed to be discussed this week, but all the news articles online are over a week old. Not sure what the current status of the bill is.

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I agree with you completely Mike, but when we start calling people out, or attacking them personally because of their beliefs, then as you said the original message is lost. In my opinion the right to freedom of speech should be tempered with tolerance for others. It's also my opinion that we should stick to the subject at hand and that's what can be done to stop these bans before they are allowed to gain a foothold and thus establish a precedent in the courtrooms.



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Beliefs and personal opinion and political views can make a subject like this go south real quick. Everybody has beliefs, opinions, and political views but when we start expressing them we lose track of whats important and a very worth while subject gets lost in the above, then moderaters have to make a decision as to whether or not to leave a very important thread or delete it.

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Hey, sorry for pointing out the political side of this. The fact is that if we allow political views to creep in, then democrats will oppose republicans, who will oppose ........ I frankly want to unite people regarding this issue - politics has never united.


We still need a Third Party that can actually win. Oo :censored: ops, did I say that? :halo:


I live in Washington State. We have a fishing reports site, (www.washingtonlakes.com) with various forums for this type of stuff. A couple of years ago we had issues with otherwise respected and experienced fisher (people) wondering about Power Bait. The question was is it digestible, what happens, will it hurt the fish, etc...? Power Bait then degenerated to the plastic bait type of power bait products, and then all soft plastics. After a great deal of discussion, aka argument, the subject finally died.


Here are some facts that I know from experience. Yes, fish will on occasion eat soft plastic baits. I have caught trout, Lake Trout, perch and bass with plastics inside them. NEVER has the health of the fish been compromised. I have also caught each of these fish with Rocks in them (I assume from missed attempts at catching Crayfish, snails, etc.) and again, NEVER has the health of the fish been compromised.


I know that trout eat the paste version of Power Bait, something that I have observed passes right through them.  I know the same happens with Catfish.  I know that is not part of this subject, but it is part of the overall concerns some fishermen have.


Experienced fishermen have observed over and over that the digestive system of a fish is simple and durable. What they eat is either digested or it passes through them. If they cannot pass it through them, then it is so big they cannot get it in their mouths.  I have actually seen hooks hanging out of the anal vent of fish with sinkers or swivels still inside, awaiting ejection.


Unfortunately, we, the experienced fishermen, are not considered authorities to those that would make assumptions and then make laws. Joy to the day when laws are made for a legitimate reason, not as a result of knee jerks.


I have signed the petition, have you?

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