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Hazardous Bottom Sinker Rig

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Hi , folks ,


Some of us do not fish lures exclusively , but sometimes also throw bottom sinker set-ups .


These might turn into extremely dangerous , ...yes , ...even possibly lethal projectiles when snagged into a tree on the opposite bank due to a missed cast .


So , if such missed cast should ever happen to you , ...think twice before you haul back your rod in anger , ......it might come back at you :




                                         cheers , diemai :yay:



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Ouch that looks like it would hurt something serious.  


............................yeah , .......had a discussion on a local site about the danger of accelerated sinkers and lures coming back at the angler , ...someone there said , that he knew a guy , that had lost an eye due to such incident .


Anyway , .......welcome to the tackleunderground , hopefully you'd enjoy yourself in  here !


                                     Cheers , diemai :yay:

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I saw a similar thing a few years ago. This was a # 13 rapala and he got the hooks in his cheek after yanking the bait out of a tree. One hook went right through and nicked his tounge. He tried to continue with the tournament but couldn't stand the pain after about an hour.


Speaking of cheeks. A friend of mine was fishing with his buddy and using a large spook. He desided to change baits and placed the spook on his seat and yup you know what happened. He pinned both cheeks together. :eek:  That was year ago and we still chuckle over that one.

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@ nova


.........I had that pleasure once before as well , ....but it was only my upper leg .


On a sunday evening I did not want to wait at the emergency room of a hospital so I took care of it by myself , .......some icepacks on the leg for anesthesia , some vodka for disinfaction(and to enhance bravery :lol: ) , sidecutters and two pairs of pliers , .....one to push the hookbend through and the other to pull it out by the point , ........saved me a lot of time to spend at the hospital , I guess , .......and no drinks there , either :lol:


Around here at the Baltic coast there is a little harbor town named Heiligenhafen , from which the boat angling tours out on the Baltic Sea depart , .....always lots of anglers aboard of smaller former professional fishing trawlers , standing lined up at starboard and portside letting down or casting heavy jigging spoons for cod , once they'd made it to the fishing grounds .


Years ago , prior to the Schengen Treaty there still was duty-free shopping possible on board after having left the 12mile zone , so any booze was cheap on board .


In Heiligenhafen near the marina there used to be a surgeon , that took care of all of those returning angling heroes that had been pierced , either by themselves or most likely by their fishing neighbors aboard ,  ......he had a big showcase hanging on the wall of his office displaying all kinds of different hooks and jigging spoons , that through the years he had extracted from those that did not have such a lucky return from their day trip out to sea :lol:  .


I know , why I've never participated in such trip , ......no duty-free shopping nowadys anymore , ...so I guess , that it's not that bad anymore !


                                 greetz , diemai :yay:

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I've speared myself with a treble so hard it buried itself in the bone of a finger.  Hooked more times than I'd like to admit, fishing and messing with crankbaits in the garage.  What works for me:  pull it out NOW and it will be less pain, less trouble, and less possibility of infection.  Then you can get back to fishing in 2 minutes instead of ruining your whole day trekking to an emergency room.  There are ways to remove a hook quickly and relatively painlessly.  Not all docs know how to do it, so it's worth looking it up and knowing how to do it for yourself.  I'm not talking about a hook through your eyelid, but I'll take one out anywhere else, anytime.



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