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New To Soft Plastic Molds

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it would be actual molds and i looked at their website and i really like the 702 and the 709 craw so those would be the 2 molds i want so are those molds like 2 pieces and then you pour into them or sorry like i said im new to this so all advice tips what have you would be great

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Pop molds are easy and fun to make, it takes a little bit of practice but once you get it down you can make a mold with almost any bait. Years ago I even used pop molds in production work and my favorite crawfish bait is still made from a pop mold and plus its still the most economical way to get a custom mold. One of the main things is to seal it good, alot of people use glue and water but I prefer a high quality acrylic floor wax. But whether you use pop, silicone, or aluminium molds, once you catch a fish on your own bait you will "plastic head" so welcome to TU and your new addiction and if you are married go ahead and buy something nice and expensive for your wife now to make up for the money you are fixing to spend. Glad to have you aboard!

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so is the pop hand pouring than? and also is there anyone with a video showing how to make lures out of pop? and can make it so its kinda like the injection molds where you get the all around look is it gonna be flat on one side? and lastly on some craw baits they have that little hollow pocket how would i make that too?

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Yes most baits made from pop molds have a flat side, although there's several people that have had success making a two-piece pop mold.  Most people that want a completely round bait use injectable aluminum molds.  The pop molds are usually not injected, they're used for open pours just like the silicone molds that Lurecraft sells.  Hollow chambers can be made by using a piece of copper wire.  You can pour the bait around the wire, leaving one end of the wire sticking out of the top of the mold.  When the bait sets up, slide the wire out.  This will give you a hollow chamber. 

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I'm not sure anyone offers the hollow chamber in an injection mold like you're talking about. They may but I've never seen any with this. You might be able to use the wire by shooting one side of the bait, opening the mold and inserting the wire, then shooting the other side. Sounds like a lot of extra work to me.

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i would disagree with pop being one sided molds. all the pop molds i make are 2 piece injection molds.


i make them just like the factory cut aluminum ones. i get my bait cavities in the pop and then carve an injection channel with my knife and some drill bits.


the possibilities are endless.. making pop molds is a lot of fun, but you cant beat a good aluminum mold. aluminum wont break or have a bait get stuck inside it, they will last forever.


i have about 10 aluminum molds and about 20 pop molds that i shoot regularly. making a good pop mold takes a lot of practice and trial & error. i've probably gone through 75lbs of the stuff

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if im understanding you right, i dont think you'll find that for any molds, pop or aluminum, best thing to do would be to come up with something creative like the copper wire, or inserting something into the mold before you shoot it. if you want rattles throw your craws on a jig. 

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ipt, I think you will find the majority of pop molds that are made are usually just poured over the top of the baits, like I said, there are some people like yourself that have been successful at making 2 piece pop molds but most guys who just start out make open pour molds. Since you have been so successful at making injection molds from pop, then by all means please share with everyone how you do it. I'm sure the new guys would appreciate it because it will help them avoid all the trial and error, also why couldnt you pour the pop around the piece of wire to make it stationary, it would just be a matter of sliding the bait off of the wire especialy if its embeded in the mold. 


Since I produce baits that have a rattle chamber and its one of the well known baits for having the rattle chamber and we are fixing to start producing a large salt water bait that has a rattle chamber, I know for sure it can be done. I produce 4 different worms and a crawfish that have a rattle chamber, if you really sit back and think about its not that hard to do, you could even make a slot in an aluminum mold for the wire that actually comes out with the bait, slide it off the bait and put it back in the slot and shoot the bait again, thats my idea there my customers molds work a lot different then that.

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yeah i dont see why pouring a wire into place wouldnt work, might be tricky removing the baits like that, but im sure you could figure out a system.


i could share my method but its honestly just from doing research and searching these forums. everything ive done has been done before and shared on the forums a hundred times.

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yeah exactly like the paca craw how big of a wire do you think i should run though? because i was thinking about taking a paca craw and making a 2 piece pop mold with some kind of insert or little rod that would take let me do the same idea as that because i feel like the acutal injection molds that would be way to tough but im just trying to think on how to make a pop mold with that kind of insert which is what is stumping me would maybe a little dow rod held into place in the mold work?

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thanks for the video i realized when i took the paca craw apart its pretty much a tube that tapers slighty then has claws so im gonna make a 2 piece pop mold sorta like the tube one above but found something to use as a rod to keep the belly hollow thanks again for the video

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I am also new to the making plastic out of scrap plastic lures as well........so I have the molds, scrap plastic, necessary safety/health gear, pyrex cup, and microwave...I understand that there are videos of how to do this but I would like to have a bit more of a understanding on the  average time length of the plastic during top heat before hardening once more, the amount of smoke that is present during the time when the melted plastic is at highest temperature needed, and also is there a way to almost prevent the smoke from bellow out quickly and a lot (besides fans & ventilation holes)? Thanks.

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