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Football Jig Modification

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I use the FBB-4H-AFM that accepts the standard wire flat eye hooks as wll as regular eye flipping hooks. For me that mold is perfect because I make hair jigs and finesse jigs with the 1/8oz mold and I put a lot of different hooks in it so I can taylor the hook to my need. I modified the 1/2oz cavity to take the 32796 and all it took was a needle file to ream out the hook shank area and a 1/16" drill bit in my dremel to ream a tiny bit out of the eye slot. The best part is I can still use the standard wire which I use more of just because of the area I live and the places I fish but I do like a heavier hook at certain tims.

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That is what I figured when I saw which models you listed. I never did it but I've seen guys paint the eye os a flat eye hook black, put it in the mold and close it to get an idea of where it would fall and then drill it out. The problem you have is you need to be sure you aren't going to fill the eye of a regualer hook with lead afterwards because you will need to remove the pin that holds the hook in place. Isn't there a football mold that uses flat eye hooks in large sizes? I believe there is.



Edit: According to Barlows, the FBB-3M-AFM accepts the larger flat eye hooks with no modification needed.

Edited by smalljaw
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. Isn't there a football mold that uses flat eye hooks in large sizes? I believe there is.




Edit: According to Barlows, the FBB-3M-AFM accepts the larger flat eye hooks with no modification needed.



It says 32798 not 32796. I know that my football shakey with screw lock is made for the 32798 and the 32796 won't fit.



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Big D, go to Barlows and look under the chart, it has the 32798 listed to the left and on the right is the 32796. I checked with Barlows and that mold does accept the 32796 in the 3/4on and 1oz cavities.

Can you send a link to that chart?  I can't find it anywhere.  Thanks.



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