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Airbrush Psi

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I am a utility painter, at best, and only paint for myself and my friends.

I leave my pressure up around 35-40 psi, and use the two stage trigger to control how much pressure I paint with, and the needle paint limiter to control how much paint I'm shooting.

I thin by eye with Auto Air 4011 Reducer until I get the consistency of milk.

If I want to do really fine detail work, I have a Master brush with the air valve under the nozzle, but I seldom use it.

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Some pearl paints you have to turn your pressure down but for the most part about 30 psi seems to work best for me. One thing I've learned is that you have to set your pressure depending on the air brush. Two identical brushes react different. Just keep at it and you'll find that magic setting.


As for thinning I too thin by eye, no secret formula. With experience you'll know when it's right.

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I like to thin my paints so they can be sprayed with 15-20 psi or less. Some paints need more thinning than others and I can't give you a ratio as I thin them by eye as well. If they don't spray well at the above pressures I add a bit more thinner until they do. All the paints I use are water based and I use Createx 4011 reducer.



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