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Balsa Thickness

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I typically try to buy my balsa at half of the final thickness of the lure.  For example, if I am making a lure who's final thickness will be 1/2", i try to find balsa that is 1/4" thick.  This is assuming I am going to be doing a thru-wire construction, of course.  I just find it easier than buying a piece 1/2" thick and having to split it.  I cut out two rectangular pieces and then "tack" them together with some of the 3M mounting spray that is like the sticky part of a Post-It Note, draw my outline, cut out the shape, and begin from there.  It is easy to split the two pieces apart when it is time to thru-wire, and you don't have to worry about measuring the half-thickness line around the bait.


Hope this helps, its just my 2 cents.

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