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Question On Dipping Blades

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I would like to make some soft plastic jerk baits about nine to ten inches long I plan on hand dipping them like a swim bait on a dipping blade

I was wondering is there any formula to how much the plastic will strecth?(I am worried about cutting the bait wide open when taking the blade out)  

If I do cut the bait is all lost or can I stil paint the bait and redip in clear?

and has anybody used a two part dipping blade to get a bigger belly on a bait?

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Just coat the iron well with pam.


As far as a bigger belly once you make the first dip then have some plastic ready in a pyrex cup; tilt the cup on an angle and just lay the belly portion in the plastic; then continue dipping vertically.

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      I have read almost every post about dipping blades and I still have some questions.

I read in a previous post that the plastic will stretch at about a 4 to 1 ratio meaning the belly of the blade can be four times as tall as the tail of the blade. Is this true? 

I was going to make my blade out of 1/8" thick sheet steel do I want to round off the edges or leave them square?( I know I need a nice smooth taper to prevent cutting the baits)

    The reason I asked the question about a two part dipping blade was to get a taller profile on the bait. more of a panfish profile you would dip the blade  slide out the top half and then slide out the bottom half I was thinking about using magnets to keep the two halfs together while dipping.

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