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Plastic Dull On One Side?

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I have a one piece pop mold that I am using to pour baits.  I am melting runners and pouring them.  The plastic melts and looks really nice.  I have a question about the side of plastic that touches the mold has a dull finish to it and the top side is nice and shiny.  What causes this and is there any way to fix it?

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A less then smooth surface is giving your contact area the dull finish.  I am not a big POP guy, but as I understand it, you need to seal the POP to close any porosity and provide for that super sooth finish.


I have heard of people using anything from Elmer's glue to lacquer to epoxy.  Even then, over time the sealing material may need to be touched up.


Good luck and I hope this helps some.

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Worm oil can be bought from any of the sites that sell plastic. Lure craft is the best option in my opinion.

You can use non stick Pam or canola oil instead. Works perfect for pop molds

I spray it on the mold then use a paint brush to get it into all the cracks.

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I am pretty new to this game as well.  Where is the best place to get this worm oil I hear about, and do you just paint it on with a brush, or wipe it on with your finger right before you pour?  My molds are epoxied...but a few tiny spots still show up dull

Epoxy can fish eye on lures, so I expect you are getting a fish eye on the POP with the epoxy.  Just use a little 400 sandpaper on the small spots and touch up with epoxy again.  It should make the tiny dull spots go away.

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