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Using Salt

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I am fairly new to pouring baits and was wondering what you guys are using for salt and how. Let me know what alternatives there are as far as salt types, method to get it into plastic to suspend properly and where to buy it cheap!


Thanks in advance for any and all advice.



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I only put salt in one bait - the senko - and I use Diamond Crystal non iodized. The salt adds weight to make the bait sink. I don't buy into the "salt makes the bait taste real and the fish holds on longer" theories. Pay attention to line twitches or ticks through the rod and you will catch the fish. If I feel like the bait needs something else to attract fish, I use smelly jelly.

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Hey Bob, I use restaurant grade as well but how do you avoid it sinking to fast for larger batches? 


I get some with less salt and some with more? 


doing small 2 cup batches stirring by hand is good but Im curious about when I use a presto pot with sitrrer. Even though it stirs, the bottom still gets caked in salt at the bottom 

Edited by bribass
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im guessin no pro at bulk batches but u would need something more than just a stirrer to keep the salt from accumulating at the bottom... more of a tumbler type thing that would scratch the bottom of the presto and lift it up to the top and back and forth ....like a side mounted stirrer but the thing that could be an issue is if your ''tumbler'' would come out of the plastisol then it would probably get caked up and so on ....

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