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Making Dots In Powder Paint

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Someone on here once posted that he uses createx paint over powder paint for small detail. I tried it with some painted on eyes and it worked great. I paint on my base coat and then add the createx details then cure. The createx becomes part of the molten powder and is very hard.

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Guys I have never built jigs or used powder paint so excuse me if I'm butting in, but for something like eyes couldn't you use the same sort of stencil we use to paint eyes on crankbaits?  Just a small hole punched into a clear piece of plastic ( I like clear plastic to make positioning easier) and then sprinkle a bit of powder through the hole. I have no idea about the parameters of using powder paint so you powder folks will have to say whether it will work or not.



Edited by RayburnGuy
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2 ways I have done some are with a stencil, pita though, and using a straw. Bend the straw to close one end then pack it real good with poder and touch the straw to the hot jig. Practice a bit with both of course but the straw has nicer dots. But with the stencil you can get a bit of a fade.

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2 ways I have done some are with a stencil, pita though, and using a straw. Bend the straw to close one end then pack it real good with poder and touch the straw to the hot jig. Practice a bit with both of course but the straw has nicer dots. But with the stencil you can get a bit of a fade.


The straw works and I was going to give you the same tip!! Cadman also said about markers, the marker route is good, but if you use the quick coat lure markers it will be easy and the best park is they are actual paint not just ink. The quick coat markers come with 6 tips and one is for big dots and another is for small fine dots and lines, you shake the marker up like a rattle can of paint and then the paint releases through a valve that you simply push down on the marker to get the paint to flow to the tip. Once you put your dots on you can bake it to cure the powder but it has no affect on thepaint, in fact the paint will be even more permanent so if you don't like the straw you can use those.

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