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Kevin Linehan

Who Sells The Flake In This Bait?

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It's not the laser glitters, it's what they call disco glitter. I have some ordered that should be getting here today. On lurecraft's site they say it's not recommended for pouring but some people do use it so I'm going to try it since I have a guy that wants a black light color in the 702 craw. I'll let you know how the flake works out and whether or not you want to spend the money on it in case it doesn't hold up.

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maybe you can improvise it with a drop or two of purple colorant, small dash of fine purple flake, moderate pinch of holographic flake and a heavier pinch of medium black flake in a lightly pearled plastic.

It is a pretty color, but it likely isn't one we can exactly duplicate.

With the extent of bait designs being finite, many companies seek a niche in color combinations. That's much more extensive, and harder to duplicate with readily available materials.

I sell very few of my baits. When they go out, I want them as close to the ordered description as possible. However, sometimes "good 'nuff" has to be good enough.

Thank God fish are stupid.

I hope you find what you seek.

edited to add; it'll take a few drops of black as well to get the darker hues of the bait.

Edited by patrick reif
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I have some of the same flake monte, I wasn't very pleased with it either. The disco glitter is the flake that is used but I think if you are wanting to use it there will have to be a lot of experimentation to find a good temp to keep it at where you can pour but not ruin the flake. So far I haven't been able to find that sweet spot.

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Have you tried Lure Craft's Minnow Silver?  Judging from the picture, it looks like that color with violet hi-lite and medium black flake.  Well.........actually.........the picture looks like blue hi-lite, but since it's called "Money Shot Violet", I'm assuming it's violet hi-lite.  LOL.  Anyway, the micro silver (or holograph) flake in the liquid coloring might just be the trick. 

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Funny how the bait looks in the picture it does look like something different but I stand by my first opinion. Bold laser glitter from Lurecraft in lavender. Only because I have the baits in front of me and the color is way more like a lavender hologram than a clear hologram. And I have made it for one customer.

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I buy a lot of glitter from the craft stores. Hobby Lobby, has one of the best selections.  Just dont get the red.  It will not stay red log and will turn your plastic different colors.  Other that all glitter works well.  You can also look at the glitter and contact the manufacture and get the MSDS sheet.  it will tell you the melting point and all that.  Hobby Lobby has them on hand.  I have stopped buying most colors from bait making websites.  its cheaper to buy from a craft store and it works just the same.  Plus they have colors that most baits making supply places dont. 

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I buy a lot of glitter from the craft stores. Hobby Lobby, has one of the best selections. Just dont get the red. It will not stay red log and will turn your plastic different colors. Other that all glitter works well. You can also look at the glitter and contact the manufacture and get the MSDS sheet. it will tell you the melting point and all that. Hobby Lobby has them on hand. I have stopped buying most colors from bait making websites. its cheaper to buy from a craft store and it works just the same. Plus they have colors that most baits making supply places dont.


Baitjunky's glitter (.015) has been fantastic for me but almost everyone else's supposedly "high temp" glitter folds like the Atlanta Braves in the postseason.... Hobby Lobby has only failed me once and yes... It was the red glitter... I got some of the disco glitter from Hob Lob and it has been great.

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