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667 Swimbait

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I don't have that particular mold, however I did fish the bait that inspired it.


Gambler use to produce these a few years back, but I think they were discontinued.  I can't remember what they were called though.


The tail is fragile and is lost with even a moderate fish, but it has a lot of action and swims well when rigged properly.  


I did catch a bunch of medium sized small mouth and red eyes off of it, however, my honest opinion about that bait was that it did nothing better than a standard 3"-4" grub except requiring to be replaced more often. 


I bought a medium sized bulk of 300 or so.  I went through a bunch of them, but had a bag of 25-50 someplace.

My shop was broken into about a year and a half ago, and they may have walked away with all the other stuff.

I'll look for them.  If I can find them, they're yours if  you want to try it.

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Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to know if they had an action that was better than most other swimbaits. If they are nothing special and they are hard to keep the tails on, then I won't spend the money on the mold. I was just looking for something a little different from the norm. They are very different looking, for sure.

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