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First Pike 2013 On A Homemade Topwater Lure

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Hi , folks ,

Here is some footage taken last Friday , .....one of my earlier home-designed topwater lure models had scored on first cast , after having tried all different kinds of diving lures before .

I had already posted this particular lure in my gallery about 5 years ago , ....in the describtion I wrote a bit on how I've shaped those "Splasher" topwaters back then .


Thanks for your interest , .....cheers , diemai

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Thanks a lot , Dave and Ben, .....and Dave , it really was like that , using ordinary poppers thru a one week holiday late summer in a Hamburg gravel pit many years ago.

Perch and sometimes pike were appealing well to the topwater lures , but I noticed that on one particular more windy day , that caused a bigger chop on the water , the strikes became significantly less thn the days before .

So back at work after the holiday I started sketching around and finally came up with this special mouth design of a topwater bait .

Only took a few weeks to get done with a few lures in perch and pike size , still could try them in autumn that very year before temps finally chilled down too much for topwater action , .....just to find , that the design had stuck , perch and pike could obviously still locate such topwater lures , even if there was a little spray on the waves caused by local strong north western winds .

Off course for best possible casting and working such lures , wind direction should be right from behind , otherwise one would have to face drawbacks .

Now thinking about making some new versions with an improved prop for even more noise !

Greetz , Dieter

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Thinking about the 'in to wind' problem; Just before I joined TU, I was experimenting with brass lures, to swim higher in the water column. They worked too well and hit the surface. A brass popper would go a long way to solve the problem, of course, you would have to keep it moving - just something for you to think about :)


Edited by Vodkaman
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@ Vodkaman

Dave , for casting into the wind I'd rather design timber lures with a fatter rear end , so that they could carry some more ballast in their tails allowing them to fly levelled like a dart , would work for topwater lures and sinking gliders alike .

Sinking poppers are somewhat paradoxic in my opinion , ...also one would have to work them quite fast to maintain depth level .

Many years ago I had made a metal lure knock-off after a picture in a lure collectors book , ...due to it's design it frequently rose to the surface and broke through it , yet sporting a nice wiggle , at least whilst still swimming below .


The one on top "Wicked Wiggler" !

Being rather unexperienced back than , I've dumped my two spoon versions somewhere , since I was not convinced by their action , ....guess ,I've gotta look to find them again !

Greetz , Dieter

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Nice pike Dieter. Over here in New Mexico USA the pike are considered a nusance. So bad in one lake that you can't release them but have to kill everything. What a waste. Up till a few years ago I lived in the Midwest and my favorite fishing was for smallmouth and pike in rivers.


Hope you guys don't mind my bumping these threads I only joined a week ago. Great resource!



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