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Pouring pots Need Some Help from Als Worms

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Hi Tm,

Thanks for the kind words.

I use the pots very little these days; only for large orders of single color pours. I am convinced that microwaves and burners are much easier to work with. Like most guys on this site, I use pyrex cups to heat the plastic in the microwave, then transfer the plastic into small 4 ounce tin cups and let them stay warm on the burners (low to medium heat). I used to pour a bunch with the pots, but found they are more trouble than they're worth. Just my opinion.


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take this senkos one of yours for example ive found this color very effective on a drop shot how did you get that vein in the middle?

PS dont kid yourself your worms are some of the nicest colors ive seen in any worms there amazing Now im comming close to getting some of them, thanks for sharing you recipies for colors unlike some stingy people who want to keep everything a "secret"

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That one (and all of my veins) are poured with those little cups. I can control those much better than the pots. The key is to put very little plastic in the vein cup. Otherwise, you'll have a mess with plastic dripping off the side, over pours, spotty pours, etc. About 1 ounce will make veins for 50 4-inch baits if you don't make any mistakes.

Another advantage to using the cups is you don't have to slide the molds underneath them like you do with a pot. You can just lay out all your molds and go to work. :)


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Your colors have to be hot and ready to pour. Pour the bottom of your first color, lay a thin strip of the vein on it, then cover it with the top color. If the plastic is hot enough and you've poured really quick, the vein should split, making it look like 2 veins. Try working with one cavity at a time until you get the hang of it. I apologize, but it's really difficult to explain. This is something I've done for years, and I don't really think about what I'm doing. :|


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Chris or anyone else that uses metal cups, how many cups on a burner? Do you use a thermometer? Lastly do you stir alot? I am going to start pouring two and three color sticks. Up until now I just poured alot of one color and finally want to venture more into multi colored pours.



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The best way we have figured is to heat the plastic in pyrex cups in the microwave, cups are avalible at thrift shops for a buck or so. Then once the plastic is melted put it into the small pans and pour with those then you can put the pans on a burned at a med to low geat to keep from scortching and yes you must mix it very often, even more so if you add salt to the plastic.


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I don't put more than one cup on a burner at a time. It's awfully easy to knock 'em over when you're jumping back and forth. Pouring 2 or 3 colors can easily become aerobic worm pouring. :lol:

After the pyrex transfer, I usually run 2 or 3 burners on medium heat. Works fine for what I need to get done.


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Im sure Chris would argee with this the easyest way to pour multiple color plastics is to have lots of the same mold and lay them all out at one time pour 1 color at a time and finish. But for some people they dont need 50 of the same worm if there not selling. Having multiples of the same mold is you best bet if you want to avoid a hassel. They can pay for them self with the first order so if your going to sell I would reccomend using no less than 10 cavities per worm style, I learned the hard way by getting orders for 100 worms and having to pour them out of a 4 cavitie mold.


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The multiple worm mold is a good idea something I may look into if I get busier. Right now I only have 1 stick mold and I will play with the burner thing this weekend. Anyone ever try to use the pyrex on the burner after it comes out of the microwave? Just curious.

Thanks for the replies,


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