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ET not curing completely

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I know this has been done before and I "searched" the archives, so i figured I better start a new thread.

I have some baits that the ET hasn't fully cured yet. I did them up last night and checked them this a.m. (about 7-9 hours later) and the ET is still a bit tacky. Here's what happened:

1. Measured 50:50 mix of each for sure

2. Stirred for 3 minutes for sure

3. Heated to remove air bubbles

4. Rotated for the 7 - 9 hours

5. Checked this morning and still tacky.

Okay here's the additional info you might need:

1. It's been raining and very high humidity last few days.

2. Did some baits about 5 days ago same way no problem

3. Haven't had this problem happen in many baits/years

4. Turned on the de-humidifier before I left for work, so it will be on for about 10 hours today.

Question... I read on a post here (can't find now) that one way to fix this problem (if it's not better when I get home) is to re-topcoat the baits without stripping off the old/tacky stuff. Anybody tried or had success with this technique. I know many of you use Devcon, but we don't have that here.



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Just wait it has not cured yet.

Temp is the main factor, in the curing of the resin.

Not really sure about humidity though.

If it doesn't set , you can just recoat it.

You will not have to prep them at all.

Have only had to do this once, cause I eyed up the mix amounts.

But I can not stress enuff the 50/50 mix must be exact.

(if your loop sided it better be on the hardner side)

Use measuring syringes to get it exact, the first time.

But my bet is the will be just fine when you get home.

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I have had this problem in the past with my jerkbaits. Once I installed the dehumidifier and left it running, I have had no more problems. I would say it was the humidity for sure. Did any of the baits looks slightly cloudy?When this has happened to me, I wiped the baits down lightly with some acetone. It was just to be sure the surface was completely dry. Mark Smith(Smuttly Dog Baits)

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Hey Mark,

They all turned out okay. I was worried for a bit this morning when I left for work and they still weren't dry, but when I came home they all looked normal.

BTW, I've heard some very good things about your baits. A friend in Chicago went to the Chip for opener and was planning on using a new Smuttly Dog.



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I see you are from the Kawarthas. Do you live there? I am going to Baptiste lake soon. Near Bancroft.Are you familiar with it? Thanks for the compliment on my baits.. I have learned and been helped quite a bit on this board. I appreciate the help from all.

Before I got my dehumidifier I had some baits that took close to two days to dry up. They looked cloudy at first, then cleared up. Was about 3 years ago. You say you are using ET. Have you ever tried EX 74.? Have thought about giving it a try because the description on the ET website says it is UV resistant. Other info seems to indicate it is also much harder than ET. Don't know about the cost or even where to get it.Thanks, Mark

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Hi Mark,

Never fished Baptiste, but almost bought a cottage there years ago - still kicking myself. If you know the Kawarthas, I'm on Scugog and my cousin is on Stony. Let me know when you're going up there and maybe we can fish together for a day.

As for EX74, I spoke with an E.T.I. rep years ago and he told me that it was a different product than ET that was being used by some of the bigger lure makers. I can't remember which one, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was EX 74. There's also EX 88 or something like that I think.

I ran the dehumidifier all day yesterday and it must have helped because the baits were dry like usual by evening.



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I have installed heat lamps over my dryer. The baits I turn can be handled in 3 hours. I let them harden for 1 day before using. By using the heat the baits set up much quicker. I used the other suff also. Flexcoat, Devcon and others. This is just a happy medium for me. J. P. ,I am trying to send you a private message regarding my trip. , Mark

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