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Adding Scent and salt

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Does anybody add scent to the plastic such as Kick N bass, Smelly Jelly etc. to their plastic or do you have to use some other specialty scent just for plastics. What about salt I was reading some other posts and they were talking about popcorn salt. Has anyone tried using a coffee grinder to grind regular table salt. Thanks Mark

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Most people that I know do add scent to the plastics just before the pour. This keeps the scent from being cooked out of the plastic.

I believe that Chris from Al's worms used kick'n bass, But he recomended Pro-Cure as a headquarters for scents. I tried the threadfin shad scent and it is much better than lure crafts scent. More than 10x stronger. He said the garlic is even more power packed too. When Im in need of more garlic I will be ordering from them.

Speaing of Chris I havent seen him around lately. Anyone heard from him?

As far as salt goes bulk buy on popcorn salt is really cheep, and you wouldnt have to try and grind it. But it could work. If you could spend about 20.00 and get a 50 lb bag ( I think thats what they said) and its already done, Is more uniform, consistant and done for you is cheeper in the long run than to try and grind a smaller quanty several times a day.

But if you have it, why not use it? When it rund out pick up a bag and give it a shot.

BTW, welcome to the forum.

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Hey Fellas,

I'm still alive and kickin'. Been working through computer problems, as well as building a new one. You know that old saying....."you don't know what you've got until it's gone"???. Well that sure is true when it comes to the internet :lol::lol:

As for the scents, like Mercury said.....I'm flat sold on Pro Cure. Kick N Bass is a dynamite brand, but once you've tried Pro Cure you'll never go back. They feature the best darn shad, garlic, craw, and anise scents around. And no.....I'm not a distributor for them.......YET...... :lol:

Speaking of salt, Mercury hit the nail on the head again. I'm sold on popcorn salt now too. Used to add Leslie table salt to my baits, but popcorn salt does not need to be grinded and it stays suspended in the mix much better.

Add your salt at the beginning and your scent at the end and you'll be in great shape. Good Luck :D


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