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Fast Freddy

Dt2 On Spoons Issue

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I recently added spoons to my painting obsession. I am clearcoating with DT2. I am not 100% satisfied with the finish. To me, it is just a little to thick. Operator error??? or nature of the beast???Can I thin the DT2 without compromising the durability or damaging the paint?? All input/ feedback much appreciated.

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You can thin D2T with denatured alcohol and it will keep its typical cure time.  It won't damage the paint but a thinner coating is of course less durable than a thicker coating.  I've never been satisfied with using D2T on spoons for a couple of reasons.  If the spoon has edges, and most do, epoxy will draw away during curing and will chip off easily during use.  The holes in the spoon are also a problem area for me and finally, I just don't think a thick epoxy topcoat looks good on a metal spoon.  I solved it by using Dick Nite moisture cured urethane on my spoons.  It's the perfect topcoat for this application, which is reasonable since it was formulated for spoon manufacture.  I also think Solarez UV cured polyester resin is probably a better option than epoxy if you can avoid the white haze problem.

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