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Best Single Injector?

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Hey guys, I am using the del mart injectors currently and wanted to see what everyone likes for a single injector.  Also will spare o-rings from basstackle fit the del mart injectors? I cant seem to find any new o rings for my del injectors.  Thanks

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i use del & basstackle. dont like bears due to no safety pin.


next injector ill try is baitjunkys


I have used Bear's for two years. I have never had an issue with no safety pin. I think it makes it faster to change tips. I guess you get used to something and think it is best.



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Thanks everyone.  I am a little hesitant on buying the basstackle single injectors because when I take apart my twinjector and use them as singles they are horrible...full of air pockets and dont feel solid when I push down: but as the twinjector as is well.  Anyone else had this issue?

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I have not had any issues with the Bass Tackle,, I think the twin is 2 singles.. so they are the injectors ?

 make sure you have good O-rings and I always make sure I dip the injector in the plastic deep past the lock pin , not sure but you mite be sucking air in where the tip goes on.??

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