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mark poulson

Saving Line

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I posted this in another forum before I remembered this one, so if you've already read it, sorry.


I recently had to take some fresh line off a baitcaster so I could send it in for replacement, and I realized I use a trick that might help others to take the line off and put it back on.
I use an empty 1000 yd spool, with a carriage bolt through it's center hole as an axle, and mounted in an old reversible drill (thanks to an exwife for that) to remove line.  I just put the rod in a vise, tie the line off to the empty spool, and wind it off with the drill.
To save good line, after I've wound it all off the spool, I loosen the nut that locks the spool onto the carriage bolt so the spool spins freely, and reload the reel with the same line I just removed and saved.
That way I start with the same backing, and the reel gets loaded with the line with no line twist, and I can reuse the same line that came off it.
I have several old spools that I can use, and once it's full I drop it in the recycling bin.
I'm sure there are other ways to do the same thing.  This is just what works for me, and I thought I'd share.
After all, as Barney says, "Sharing is caring"   :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 
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