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I have been trying to vaccum seal some stencils so they fit like a mold.  I heat the stencil material with a heat gun until it starts to melt and turn the vaccum on.  It pulls about 75% of the stencil down but it wrinkles and just never get the profile of the bait.  The stencil material I us is a frosted mylar that I got at hobby lobby.  Have you guys done this and what is the best material to use for this?

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I buy my PETG from ebay, .015 thickness. It's 15 bucks for a 4'x4' sheet, can make quite a few stencils from it. Get it good and hot and drop it on the bait, it will suck down pretty good depending on the style of bait you are trying to vacuum. It helps to have your stencil material framed out, I used to try and heat the plastic on top of the lure and after melting a few I found out framing your material is the way to go. If you have undercuts that are causing you problems just make a few relief cuts, that will take care of your wrinkles.

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I second what Tree_Fish said and I also use the PETG type of plastic. By building a frame to put your cold plastic in it will hold the edges firmly and you can put it in the oven on a medium heat until the middle starts to sag. Then you just take it out and put it over the bait your making a stencil of and turn on the suction. Have your heat gun ready in case the plastic starts to cool before the stencil is fully formed. You can also use the heat gun along with the smooth back edge of a butter knife to get into any tight places the vacuum won't pull the plastic into.



Edited by RayburnGuy
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