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Sand Eels Part Ii

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After getting some good advice from the users of this forum I went ahead and made a new mold that included most of the ideas I received, and a few of my own. I made it a 2 cavity, 2 part, bondo mold, sealed with Park's Glaze 2 part epoxy, (just like etex), with vents in 8 locations, and some embedded bolts to hold things together. Looks like this...




Here's a shot with the weights in place.




Closed up and ready to shoot.




Bottom, showing the bolt heads and eye socket dowels.




All filled up and oozing all over.




Opened up...




Out of the mold





Trimmed up a little




Daytime and nighttime versions, waiting on glue and eyes.




The black ones were made from all scraps and a little virgin plastic, had a few dimples before I added some more vents. There's still a little flash here and there, no biggie, and I would like to find a little holo mylar to wrap the weights before I shoot the clear ones, if anyone has any ideas, let me know. I feel a batch of pearl white coming up too........

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Holy Jehosaphat . I can only dread of doing a job that good . Just as another one of my twisted brain Ideas but I have used Wriggle's gum wrapers for head wraps . Don't know if there are any gum types that are flashier . out there . This is just one of the things I never did post cause i figured they would say go jump in the pond .

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If you want some Mylar that can hold up to the heat call Spikeit and ask if you could buy some from them. They have it in sheets and is the same stuff they use to make the glitter. If you coat it with there new water based clear paint the plastic will adhere well. Just a thought. Frank

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