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Hardner/plastic Too Soft

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This is more of a "future reference" kind of thing.....

It is most likely too hard because you pumped out the softener, those were the batches that were too soft. Now that you have discoved the hardner on the bottom of your jug and mixed that in, your origional ratios have been changed. I only mention this so that you don't go and seek out a different compound of plastic next time you order based on the texture you feel right now.

As for softener, I don't know that anyone will be able to give you a specific formula because your not working with a standard batch of plastisol at this point. Unfortunately, your going to have to start with 2 oz batches (once properly mixed of course) and try different amounts of softener until you get what your looking for. The learning curve can be steep at times, at least you learned on a small batch instead of a 55 gallon drum =)

I hope this helps.

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Keep in mind that softener is way easier to work with than hardener.  You can measure precise amounts of softener as where hardener runs like elmers glue.  So if you cannot find the perfect plastic for your desired feel I would use a slightly firmer plastic and add softener before I did the other way around, and adding softner actually increases your volume of plastic since you are adding raw plasticizer back into the plastic to soften it..plus a little goes a longer ways than does hardener.  good luck

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