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material of dipping sticks for tubes

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Well, I cant speak for the pros...but I suggest 1/4" aluminium rod. I have had my dippers for 2 years now and they are still like new.

Buy a 10 foot length of it (its really cheap), get yourself a die cutter to cut a 1/4" thread and cut about an inch of thread ( the rods should be about 10 inches in length ) I have 10 rods on each dipper...so cut and thread 10 rods.

Get yourself a round electrical box cover plate and mark 10 1/4" holes evenly spaced around and they should all be about 1/2 " from the outside edge. After you have drilled the holes drill a 3/8 hole in the center to put a 8 " eye bolt in ( add the eye bolt last ).

So if I have'nt confused you so far....take your first rod and put a nut on it and thread it to the end, slide the rod into one of the 10 1/4" holes and add another nut on top to snug it....do this for the 9 others as well ( but don't tighten them too much as you need to make sure they are all the same length by eye balling the plate against a level object.

Once they are all the same length, tighten the bolts and add your eye bolt with 2 nuts ( secure it the same way as the dipper rods)

This seems a little bit much, but you will have a dipper that will be bullet proof and once you have done one, the rest take much less time to assemble.

I'll take a picture and email Jerry to post it for me










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I made a couple the other day and I even caught some bass on them! I had never caught anything on a tube before. I just stated playing with making the tubes. i have a couple of Pyrex cups but they are not that deep. Have you ever seen a deep microwave safe container to make a few larger tubes?? Yours look great!!

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Fin, you can safely use an 8 cup mixing bowl with a handle.It will get you about 5 inches when its full. I have used round fish bowls with large opening before, but they crack after a few uses as they are not ment to heated in a microwave. If you saw the old tube pictures on the website ...wait a couple of weeks, we are getting a much needed face (web) lift :lol:

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Hey tubeman, I seem to have a problem I can't open the attached file that you put out there. I'm interested to see how it looks.

This post is from the forum before a couple of crashes took out the pictures. The only way to get this picture is for Tubeman to post it again. However, the description is clear and it is not important to follow it exactly.

What you are trying to do is fasten the rods to something so you can dip multiple tubes at once. It will work with a single rod in your hand, dipping it several times into the hot plastic. Multiple rods just increase your output.

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Many years ago I had made a three aluminum,rod tool for dipping three tubes at a time using the horizontlal method and 4 onces of plastic.I only made two of these and no more.I could keep up a better pace one tube at a time rather than three.The process of removing the tubes from the rod caused the most delay,and also the rods were difficut to lube properly.Another thing,the sweeping action that I use to stir the plastic each time I dip a rod,was restricted by the width of the rod assembly.The best way to describe what I'm talking about is like a three prong fork with the tines bent down at a 90 degrees,except the tines where 1/4 x 3 inch aluminum rods.Bottom line,it was not worth the effort to make three at a time,but with a wide pan and a one inch depth of heated plastic a person could make it so you could dip six at a time..I guess it is up to what works for you.

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