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Homemade Spinners Test Video

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Hi , folks ,


Not much around in this wire bait forum , as my focus has been on hardbaits for many years , nevertheless I'm still doing spinners or spoons now and then , .....these are the kind of lures that I started out with more than 20 years ago .


Tested a bunch of homemade spinners and put them on film two days ago , .......just thinking to share that video in here , probably I could provide some info to fellow luremakers around here .



Off course I would gladly answer any possible questions , ......greetz , diemai :yay:


PS :

By now I have tinkered on the red feathered spinner , cut it apart and made the attachement hole of the blalde larger , so that it cannot bind with the shaft anymore , ....should be OK now !

Edited by diemai
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Really good stuff Diemai, those are all impressive and while the red one had some binding issues , you already figured it out and it is an easy fix. I have to tell you that watching those feathered spinners come through the water I was waiting for a giant pike to come up and grab it. I know you say they don't look good but I bet the Musky anglers here would pay a good bit of money for those, huge feathered baits are supposed to look like that and homemade blades too, you really are talented!!!!

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Thanks a lot , folks :worship:  !


Was not the weather that day for a fish to follow , it's kinda slow during these late summer days , waiting for fall season to start .


In a YouTube comment by a German friend I was advised to tie those feather to a weight-forward spinner as well , .....the feathers would even move and ondulate more attractively , when such spinner is constantly dropping and rising up on it's course again , ......surely this is gonna be one of my future projects , still have enough leadheads left , anyway , ...gotta make some more blades , though .


Thanks again for your interest :worship:  , ....greetz , Dieter :yay:

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