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Envirotex bubbles

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I would really love to see devcon on a bait that is finished correctly. I cant imagine devcon drying without air bubbles..... I have tried it in the past and the air bubbles will not disipate. How are you applying devcon to eliminate these air bubbles? Or are you just living with them? I cant tolerate air bubbles. Of course pictures wont show me what I need to see...so who has a bait they want to sell....finished with devcon with the best possible application of this stuff? I must see the perfection of Devcon.

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I think it is probably rare to find a bait that doesn't have a few bubbles here and there. I personally don't worry about having a couple bubbles in my Devcon finishes so long as they are not too large or on the eyes of the bait. I have many commercial baits that are finished with Enviro and most all of them have many bubbles in them, some are quite bad in fact. If a person gets in a hurry and mixes too quickly the Devcon will pick up bubbles. More important to me is durability, consistency, clarity, and convenience, mainly drying time.


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Ok, listen close.......

The clouding effect that you are seeing is the reaction of the two parts mixing.

You should be seeing this happen ,it is right.

You should not apply the ETEX untill this has cleared.

Reaction completed.

Buy the time this has happened all air bubbles should have cleared

themselves from the mixture.

Now the reaction is in process and you can brush it on with out air bubbles.

Never have I had an air bubble problem.

If you put it on before the clearing the mix can be bad , it will take longer to dry and run alot more than it should.

If you are getting bubbles in your finish after this it is your fault.

Your surface prep, or your brushing have caused them.

It will become tacky quickly after the reaction process has begun, thin lightly to keep it work-able with fine epoxy thinner(laquer thinner)

it is made for this purpose.

Not alcohol , not acitone, man I can not belive any of you guys use this stuff it wrecks the curing action of the product.

This is kind of in the directions you get with the box.


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Rich is right on. You need to mix for 3 minutes. Your epoxy will cloud as the two parts combine, and then they will clear.

Keeping your resin and hardener warm will help release bubbles. Keep your bottles in a warm place or set in a pan of hot tap water.

A torch will release bubbles, but so will CO2. All you need to do is to breathe on your finish. Take a straw and blow on the bubbles and they'll pop.

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Well it was a succes,i heated the resin and hardener before mixing and the result was great.It didn?t go white and mixed much easier.No more clouding the paint jobs :D .Thanks everyone for your help.This was never an issue before when i just hung the baits to dry,but since i built a wheel it has been a big one.Thanks again.

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My point was that I get zero...nada....nothing as far as bubbles when using Etex... I know how to use it properly.(Its the perfect finish). I cannot get this kind of finish using Devcon. If someone can lead me to the same quality finish using Devcon.... I will consider trying it again. That is what I am looking for,,,,, zero tolerance as far as clarity yellowing and bubbles. I already have found the answer....ETEX. The only drawback...drying time...and I have a drying wheel... so that is not really a problem.. Can the same be acheived with Devcon??? That is what I am asking? I have seen numerous baits finished with epoxys different brands and the results are all the same.. The only advantage I can see is the drying time and the availability due to WalMart being everywhere...Of course anyone on this site has the ability to purchase products via the internet...and that would allow them to get ETEX. :lol: You can flame a lure with Etex... bubbles will dissipate and then wait and reflame again in a half hour and the finish will be perfectly clear...Even with the Etex having just been mixed and full of bubbles. It will clear itself right before your eyes! I use mapp gas... really quick passes.

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Chip claims to have a way of speeding up the drying process for Etex, my guess is that he replaces it with Devcon, lol.

I looked at a bait I finished yesterday with two coats of Devcon and found one bubble about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. I'm sure I could have eliminated this bubble as well if it had been a concern to me. I put two coats of Devcon on all my baits as I am building them primarily for musky fisherman and waiting 7 days for two coats of Etex to dry is more than this "Attention Deficit Disorder Bait Builder" (ADDBB) can take, lol.

Also I haven't been convinced that there is any reason to go away from the Devcon. Chip noted some problems with some of his Devcon baits but there have been as many or more complaints on this board with the Etex, bubbling, yellowing, won't set up after 6 months, etc.

Skeeter who has probably built as many baits as anyone on this forum uses Devcon, guess we all know that.............I am sure he would have gone away from it if he had experienced problems. I think Nathan uses Devcon too. I personally have not had a single problem YET with the Devcon, no yellowing, no chipping, etc., but will not hesitate to change if I start to see them. I have noted that Devcon dries extremely hard, try to make a mark in it with your fingernail , you can't do it. Etex on the other hand can easily be marked with your fingernail....this flexibility may very well be an avantage when the bait is expected to bounce off of things like rocks, the side of the boat, your fishing partner's head, etc.

I would like to try the Etex and also the Nu-lustre 55 that Splash uses at some point. Until that time I will continue to buy every container of Devcon that Wal-Mart has in stock before someone else gets them, lol.


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ENVIROTEX = Surface Coating Treatment That Maintains Its flexibility and hardness - My Envirotex is now sprayed on and sets up in 30 to 40 minutes with a little 30% chemical additive 8O.... Thanks Richoh

Bottom line is that we should all use what we are comfortable with and learn its characteristics so we are happy with the results..... :rolleyes:

Chip :lol:

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You must only do a lot of dark colored baits.

Put some devcon over a bright white once.

Put it in the window for about a month and then compare the colors.

To one that has not been in the sun.

Been gone from devcon for 20 years now and use it as it was intended as a glue, it works great as that.

Found Etex at an Ace hardware at age 14, been making baits since 12.

If I can find some time and some one with a good dig. camera will take picture of 2 of the same style baits done along time ago.

And show the differances to the world.

If Devcon works for you great but there is better out there.

Signed "The ETEX Devil"


Chip, thanks and glad it is working out for you.

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Actually no I am using it over white with nearly every bait I make.....all have a white belly and some have light colors incorporated into the pattern. I will say again tho that I won't hesitate to change any part of my bait-making process if I think it will improve things. I would seriously consider trying Etex but the drying time is just too long, simple as that, hmmm maybe if I make them now they will be ready for next spring, there's a thought! Chip mentioned adding a "small" amount of additional product......30% is not small, 1% is small. By the way I have a bait in the window of my truck now that has a white head on it, been there for about 3 weeks, looks the same as the day I placed it there.

Jed, "the Devcon Devil", lol.

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I have black spinner baits done with devcon, well they are real old,

There eyes look like rust.(white)

Never have been in the sun, never been in the water.

Also have real cool buzzbaits done in both finishes.

They have white bellys, devcon is yellowed, etex is bright white.

I have not bass fished in like 12 years, Walleye addict.

Are you ready to try ETEX?

Then you must not be happy with the devcon.

I order for that bait test to prove any thing you must have a control bait to compare it to.

White uncoated and kept out of the sun.

I am waiting to here the whole finds of the experiment.

Maybe they have improved Devcon some, that would be nice.

Signed "The ETEX Devil"


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The Craws are just masked on through a template that I made. Thaks for asking.


Dont git me wrong... I am just goofin with you devcon devils! LOL . If you are pleased with it, thats whats important. You baits certainly speak for the quality you put into them...

Regarding the additive, It a little hardware store off the shelf liquid that is added to the etex to greatly excelerate the dry time.

Take Care :)


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Hey me too Chip, I just enjoy the friendly banter. I will be the first to admit that much of what I have learned about bait-building has come from the guys at this website with you contributing considerably. Thank you for the kind words.


I mentioned wanting to try Etex as I have not done so before not because I am unhappy with Devcon. I have used Devcon with good results but am not naive enough to think there isn't something better. I am happy with Devcon but how can I know it's the best if I haven't tried some others? I am currently making the same glider out of poplar, cedar, and mahogany, tomorrow I will know which works best for me. I take the same approach with finishes, hooks, split-rings, eyes, whatever. I tried Flexcoat, didn't like it, also intend to try Etex, Nu-lustre, and any other finish that I feel may improve my finished product.

As far as the sun test is concerned, I covered one half of the bait exposed to the sun with duct tape. And to be honest I consider this to be an "extreme" test as I don't expect many guys toss their baits up on the dash of the pickup for the summer. I expect that most finishes, Etex included, would fail at some point given these same circumstances.


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I have no trouble at all with Devcon.

Mix with plastic or metal stir in plastic cup.

When it clears, breathe on it a couple times and restir.

It will clear rather quickly, then apply.

Make sure it's Devcon 2 ton epoxy.

Take your time with it,all brush strokes will disapear in the drying process.

I turn my baits for 30 min on the drying wheel.

You want to buy one, I got em to sell or trade.


Take Care,


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