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2 Serious Production Questions

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I need to know what is the name and where I can buy the vinyl material used to make the deflatable hollow frogs

and second I'm using alumisol plastic and wen I poor it and the lure dries its all cloudy and not shiney like the inside or professional lures how can I fix that thanks plz email me if you can Stevie_surfer17@yahoo

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   First question, I have no clue


Second question, will answer with a question. Are you using alum molds or your own home made molds? Reason I ask, a lot of people have problems getting clear lures making their own molds due many reasons. One, master was not finished fine enough. Others use of pop or other dry material that was not sealed correctly/smooth finished. Some use RTV and bou'cou' tiny bubble marks in the mold that transfer to the lures.


    But , since I am not familiar with using that type plastisol, it could be the product, I remember using one plasitsol that had a cloudy appearance on transparent lures.

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Squish molding is typically used for making thin hard plastic peices. Here is a very good instrucational/overview of the process.




The one thing that I would do differently is I would use legos to build the box around the object. It's perfectly uniform and easy to rebuild/resuse.

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