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Jig Man

Jig Sellers

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I sold jigs for a few years here in the US and overseas.  I sold 4 different styles of jigs from 1/4 oz to 1 oz and from 2/0 hooks through 5/0 hooks and the #1 seller across the board was a 3/8 oz with a 4/0 hook.  Down south I rarely sold any jigs with a hook size less than 4/0 and here in the north I did sell a bit of jigs with a 3/0 hook but the 4/0 won hands down.  3/8 oz was the big seller and after that it was 1/2 oz.  Hope this helps and good luck.

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It really depends on what kind of fishing, for bass in my area 3/8oz is the clear favorite, surprisingly the runner up is 1/4oz but I'm north of the Mason Dixon line. For crappie ToadFrog hit it, 1/32oz and 1/16oz, so whatever kind of jigs you are making, take a look at the area he is going to be in and that will give you the information you need.

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Thanks for the replies.  I should have made myself more clear.  Just because I was thinking bass doesn't mean that was conveyed to you guys.


I was clearly thinking 3/8 and 1/2 but now I may go with the 1/4 also. 


I've already made him crappie heads in 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 along with some do nothins and stingers.


I just have to get the jigs tied and worms and tubes poured.

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There is a jig maker on a local BB, Nu-Tech https://nutechlures.com/index.php/

who talks about using only smaller jigs with a bead and bullet weight added on the line, Texas style, when faster sink rate and more bottom contact is desired.  He is a night bass fisherman on clear water impoundments who, apparently, does well with this technique.  


He says the advantage is you get all benefits of a heavier jig but the bass has less weight in its face after being hooked, reducing chances of throwing it. He also believes the bass can't feel the lighter jig as well when attacking it. 


If this really works, only smaller weight bass jigs would be needed?


I have not tried it yet but will be doing so in the next few days. 

Edited by Painter1
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Most of mine are salt water, but the fresh water jigs I sell for the river, 1/8 and 1/4 are the winners for bass. 2/0 and 3/0 are the hooks sizes. Myself, most people I fish with, I use a smaller hook than all the people I fish with. I tagged an 18.5" LMB on a #8 jig hook, 1/32 oz.  Had a Gulp 1" minnow in the juice on it. Have caught many SMB with the same small hooks. Caught them all while pan fishing lol.


It really does depend onthe area like others have said. In the winter, we head to a warm water discharge for Bass and Walleye. 1/24oz. #2 hook is all we use.

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