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Hey everyone i'm new here. I love fishing big swimbaits and want to get into making resin baits.

I know that i need to build the bait out of wood, make a box for the mold, and pour RTV Silicone into the box to make the mold. After that I pour urethane into the RTV mold to make the bait. I am planning on using Alumilite. I have a few questions.


Are microballoons required to make the bait float or does alumilite float by itself?


Is it necessary to remove bubbles from the bait?


Are there any safety hazards that go with the materials (fumes)? Will i have to do this outside?




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Welcome to the forums I have never built a resin lure I make all wood or wire and not allot of those yet myself how ever I can say you came to the right place I am sure one of the resin guys will chime in here with some answers to your questions. Also if you haven't checked them out yet make sure to check out the member submitted tutorials at the bottom of the homepage there is a hard bait section there I am guessing you will find very helpful. 

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A lot of is going to depend on the plastic resin that you are going to be using. The Amazing Casting Resin that is sold at Hobby Lobby creates and traps tiny bubbles in it when it hardens causing it to float. I'm not sure how it would do with hook hangers, ballasts, or hooks on it though. Also, Alumilite makes a product called featherlite which is made to float. For high density resin, microballoons are probably a necessity. A lot guys on here use 2 part high density foam. Different density will determine the weight, hardness, and boyancy.

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Hi CPBassFishing,

I've been pouring resin baits for a few months now and this what I've learned. 


Urethane resins are not buoyant on there own you must mix microbollons to the resin to achieve buoyancy. The ration depends on a number of factor like size, desired action etc.


Mixing resin will produce bubble, so if you want a bubble free cast you'll need to pressure cast your lures. Do some research on pressure casting because it can be dangerous if not done properly. Also don't forget, if you are going to pressure cast your lures be sure to pressure cast or vacuum your silicone mold as well. If you don't you have surface distortions due to the collapsed bubble in the silicone mold itself. 


There some serious safely hazards with prolonged exposure to certain resin fumes and microbollons. be very safe when dispensing balloons no to inhale them, if you have to where a respirator. 



Good luck,



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