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1/24 Oz. Jig Mold

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Have you considered having a custom mold made?

I have a few custom molds and I know it was much easier than trying to get Do-It to make the molds I wanted.

I also think if DO-It does decide to start producing the mold you want it might still be a couiple of years before it hits the market place.

Just my $.02

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I can tell you with reasonable certainty it won't happen in 2014 as they already made the decision to release 4 new molds for 2014 go over to their softbaits website and look in the new release threads they have a post with pics of the 4 new molds. they seem to be focused on the new wire bait holder and minnow body type jigs as of late.

Edited by Gon2long
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Having never worn out an aluminum mold I find it interesting that you claim you will wear yours out.

I understand your wanting/needing such a mold. I would think a quality custom mold from say Shawn Collins would last your lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

That being said maybe Do-It could add a request section to their website?

Maybe make it like a poll with members having the ability to vote for the mold/molds they would most likely buy if available.

I know they must receive many thousands of requests each year. If enough people liked a new mold idea it would help them plan what new items they might want to produce.

Good Luck in getting the mold you want mass produced I hope they listen to your request.

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on the topic of mold wear .... with small jig molds at speed small hook alignment tends to be a bit of a chore and the molds being made of aluminum and the hook made of steel if you try to close the mold and the hook is a tad off  or you bump the mold when you shut it the mold will bind a little not much unless you really mess up and over time the hook just barely scraping the side off the hook slot will cause wear (aluminum vs. steel ..... steel wins)


we run close to 800 jigs per hour (with 2 molds) of the small heads (1/32,1/24,1/16) for us that's fast (other people may do more that's just fast for me and the wife) so mistakes happen and any little mistake over time the mold wears and you get a jig that requires extra time to clean I personally consider this mold worn out and like to replace them  


on larger molds this is not an issue


as far as proper mold maintenance (oil hinges, keep milled surfaces clean, and smoke the cavities ...... I do all that 


just my opinion

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OK now I understand what you are talking about.

I would suggest you submit your ideas on the custom baits forum Do-It has as the ideas are directly viewd by Do-It staff and ideas are looked into and replies made right on the forums.

That way you know their staff knows your wants/needs and others can also chime in and show their support for your mold idea.

I would post a link but that may not be kosher on this forum so I'll let you google the forum yourself.

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on the topic of mold wear .... with small jig molds at speed small hook alignment tends to be a bit of a chore and the molds being made of aluminum and the hook made of steel if you try to close the mold and the hook is a tad off  or you bump the mold when you shut it the mold will bind a little not much unless you really mess up and over time the hook just barely scraping the side off the hook slot will cause wear (aluminum vs. steel ..... steel wins)


we run close to 800 jigs per hour (with 2 molds) of the small heads (1/32,1/24,1/16) for us that's fast (other people may do more that's just fast for me and the wife) so mistakes happen and any little mistake over time the mold wears and you get a jig that requires extra time to clean I personally consider this mold worn out and like to replace them  

Dang, I'm impressed. That's moving at the speed of light. I have one of those molds with the little wire keeper that lays next to the hook. What a pain to position along with a small hook. I would be lucky to do 100 in an hour. You guys move!!!


on larger molds this is not an issue


as far as proper mold maintenance (oil hinges, keep milled surfaces clean, and smoke the cavities ...... I do all that 


just my opinion

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I got that mold your talking about with the wire keeper ...... it is a pain we cant run near that with that mold  it only runs 1 of each size at a time it takes us a while to get 100 of those


when we run the small heads (8 cavity molds) for the first couple of 100 we are not that fast but on long runs (1000's) we get close to 800 per hour after we get warmed up that's just poured not cleaned someone else cleans and counts my jigs for me


we got wood boards with 100 round holes .25" deep when all the holes are full you dump the tray in a plastic funnel with a bag on the end  and close the bag


a friend of mine who poured jigs years ago said by him self he could pour, clean, and count 300 per hour ........ that's impressive

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I have an old lil mac midget mold that made 2 1/32 and 1 1/16 jigs.  I modified one of the the 1/32 cavities using a 3/16 round nose router bit.  Chucked the bit in a drill press then just touched bottom.  almost a perfect 1/24 of an ounce including #4 sickle hook. according to my scale 24 jigs are 1.0 ounces

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