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I'll share a little story.

Bobby and I were playing wiith an injector last year(one of the plastic ones... Mistake 1) had a 2 piece mold and we figured we would inject some plastic into it.

We first off I decided I would hold it closed, instead of useing the nuts and pins(mistake 2)

so I'm holding the mold, bobbys shooting the injector. heck it was working great when all of a sudden the injector melted. of course it went all over my hand and up my arm.

I couldnt get it off fast enough, made it to the sink where the water was but it was too late.

the plastic from the injector is worse than the worm plastic.

The burned was one of the nastiest I have ever seen, burned right down to the knuckle 1/8-1/4" of skin deep and 1-2 inches long.

I was going to fish an everstart touny and was prefishing, couldnt fish worth a crap, couldnt even hold the rod with out the burn cracking and bleeding for a month. I did save $650 cause I wasnt on fish anyway :wink:

Moral to the story...

Dont use those plastic injectors

dont do things quick or in a hurry

Be careful

and wear gloves if you can.


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