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Craft Paint Question

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Just an update: After the great results I achieved I went all in and switched out my.38 needle/tip set for my .66 set on my Talon and just shot Folkart Extreme Glitter paint and wow is all I can say it laid down beautifully and has a really cool effect it was the silver now I'm going to pick up the Holographic glitter they had and see how that looks. I must admit you will not be doing any type of detail work but I see no need to for the effect it provides. I think a top coat just before your seal coat will look awesome.

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You know I'm having a bear of a time finding Pledge with Future shine here in Philly I see they keep changing the name but I'm told that the formula is the same I might just have to break down and order it online I just hate shipping costs :mad:  I did quite well with the multi surface in my .35 brush it's a pretty good consistency right out of the bottle needs very limited reduction but the glitter I knew better and sized up I'm just very happy with the results it seems craft paints have come a long way from previous years. I have the idea that I'll use the cheaper craft paint for the large coverage applications such as base coat/under coats and use my AB paint for the detail.

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I have no complaints with the Americana paints. I get mine at Michael's.They're a little thicker than the others but a little water does the trick. Oh, and those

of us that are just a tad bit older than the young guys on TU, you can get glasses (readers) for about a buck a pair. I've got them all over the house

and several pair in the shop too



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I started out mainly using the Craft paints.  Depending on the brand, thinned, strained, additives, etc... and was happy with the results but eventually started moving to "airbrush" specific paints to save some time.   There are some colors I still grab from the craft paints however.   

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