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Ting With Nail Polish

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I see a couple of you guys paint hardbaits with nail polish and I have a couple of questions. 1. Can you paint over createx?  2. What do you use for a top coat, hard as nails, or your regular exposy? I see a lot of nail polish with glitter in it and think it would come in handy for stripes, body lines or painting backs (clear nail polish with glitter). Any information?

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I do paint over Createx and other hobby paints from time to time with nail polish.

I found the problem with top coating with Hard as Nails is that the brushing on of the top coat can melt the previous color coats, so it has to be done really fast, and with a wet brush, so it doesn't drag.

Since I use PVC for my baits, I don't need to top coat when I use only nail polish.  All the nail polishes I use are gloss, so there's no need to top coat to get that look, either.

I also add clear polish with glitter (Sally Hansen's In The Spotlight especially) to finished baits to add flash.

Nail polish will make solvent based sharpies run, so I either put the sharpie colors on after the nail polish, like red gill high lights, or I shoot a coat of clear Createx over the sharpies before I add the nail polish.

I'm using Solarez right now as a top coat, and add the polish before I dip coat.  If I think polish will help a bait after it's top coated, I just brush it over the top coat, and it holds up just fine.  I can always touch it up if it gets damaged.

Edited by mark poulson
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I use a lot of nail polish in my cranks I have a endless supply (thanks to 2 princesses and a queen in my home lol). The only problem I have is solvent on top of solvent but I've never had a problem with solvent on top of createx or vise versa. On my plastic baits I top coat with a waterborne urethane. On wood I use epoxy.

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A lot of nail polish is nothing but lacquer paint. If you can read the print on the bottle many of them will state that. You can just thin it with lacquer thinner or acetone. Be careful with glitter nail polish through your airbrush. The glitter has to be really fine or it will clog the tip. The glitter can be real hard to get out. Hard as Nails is nothing but clear lacquer and will yellow after time.



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