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Tm Customs

? for Dlew Calhoun Plastic

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Hey Dlew I bought a 5gal of your calhoun plastic and I seperated a gal of it into an old lure craft bottle it was perfect it just ran out yesterday. Now I filled it up again, the plastic is way different now its very soft. Soft enough to make senkos without softener, great for senkos no good for worms. Do you know what I did wrong or what could have happened? I really have no clue. I appricate any help.

Thanks, Tm

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I know your question was directed towards Del, but it sounds like you just didn't mix it enough. Was it the same 5-gallon jug? If so, you need to mix the heck out of the plastic each time you transfer into 1-gallon containers. If you're doing it that way, it's always best to do all the transferring at once...........take the 5 gallon jug, mix it like crazy, then transfer into 5 separate 1-gallon containers. Then all you need to do is shake the one gallon jugs to keep it mixed. Does that make sense?

Again Del.......sorry about stepping on your question.


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Did you mix the plastic in the 5 gallon pail real good before pouring it into the other gallon?? I use an electric drill with a paint mixing blade from Lowes and stir it for a few minutes before pouring into my gallon jug. So far I have had no problems with the consistency of my plastic.


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Before you do that, dump the one gallon of soft stuff back into the 5 gallon pail. You'll have more consistency that way. Then, like BassnG3 said, use a drill or long stick (anything that will work the hardener free from the bottom) and mix that stuff like crazy. I'm betting you have a clump of hardener on the bottom. That stuff needs to be mixed often.


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Al, no problem,


everyone is correct on not getting it mixed enough, pour it all back into the 5 gal bucket and get a turbo stirrer(goes on a drill motor) and mixx the heck out of it, then pour it into 1 gal buckets.

Now the softness thing.

I have had a few guys tell me they used no softener and there stick baits are soft. I ask them to send me a sample and wow they are soft, well come to find out they didnt mix it or mix it well enough. now trying to match it is next to impossible and the consistance is not there when its not mixed throughly


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