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Need Suggestion On Eyes!

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Are you saying to put a white dot, then green, then black?


Exactly Ned. That's normally how I paint all my eyes now. The white background in the eye does the same thing a white base coat does. It makes the colors pop better. I paint a lot of red eyes with black pupils. I first used opaque red thinking it would hide any color under it as well as giving a deep red color. I later found out that painting a white background and then applying transparent red over the white gave me a much brighter red that stood out much better than the opaque red. And it works well with other colors as well. It's an added step, but one I think is well worth it. I took a piece of thin plastic sheet and punched different size holes in it for an eye stencil. I tried using the drop method using different size drill bits and other round objects, but could never get the eyes to come out all that well. Spraying them through the stencil with the airbrush ended up being best for me.



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I guess I've become lazy. I use the pre-made stick ons, but I recess them with a brad point bit. I prefer the goldish/chartruse with the black pupil. I found them on line some where, maybe Evil Bay.


on my plastic kos I use the stick on eyes. But they don't look right on wood lures imo
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on my plastic kos I use the stick on eyes. But they don't look right on wood lures imo


nedyarb, I use the 3D type that look more like an eye ball. It sticks out just abit above the surface of the bait. I think

those look pretty good on wooden baits.



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nedyarb, I use the 3D type that look more like an eye ball. It sticks out just abit above the surface of the bait. I think

those look pretty good on wooden baits.


3d is good

Or for paint maybe black/bone/black pupil.

Or add accent color on throat... Red, orange, Chartreuse, and match eyes.

Edited by CarverGLX
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I paint lipless baits up for the Harris chain exactly like that scheme, even down to the non slip masking you are using, I used a metallic orange eye with a black pupil...I  also put a thin lime green line from the dot to the tail which has worked very well for us...I  just spray it with the airbrush these days, I  believe the color is a house of colors tangerine...thing looks great

Edited by sonoman
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I paint lipless baits up for the Harris chain exactly like that scheme, even down to the non slip masking you are using, I used a metallic orange eye with a black pupil...I also put a thin lime green line from the dot to the tail which has worked very well for us...I just spray it with the airbrush these days, I believe the color is a house of colors tangerine...thing looks great

that is drawer liner from dollar general, but I also put a comb in front of it to block some of the spray.
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I have been putting these eyes on about 98% of my lures. However, I would like a different look on them, and the colors I've tried don't look right. What colors would you all recommend?427346F3-2945-4B42-9D8A-5165EDDB3ACA-463

just something I like to do sometimes just to add a small amount of red without it being over powering. Use the gold and black just like you have it but paint/dot the red just slightly larger than the black puple. You'll have three layers with just a hint of red around the black.
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