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I Want To Start Paint My Own Hard Baits

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I have been fishing for most of my 44 years and I am blessed with a career that allows me ample free time to enjoying the great outdoors. I recently have become interested in painting hard baits.

I found this forum and I am hopeful to get pointed in the right direction. 

I was told an Iwata NEO gravity fed airbrush would be a good one to get started. I am curious a to what type of compressor y'all recommend, as well as what type of paint to start up painting. 

I have a thousand other questions as well. I am open to any "start up" tips and advice y'all recommend,. 

Thanks in advance! 

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The airbrush should be great.  I use a Paasche Talon, but they work a lot alike. 


I suggest simple paints to begin with, but stick with air brush paints because the pigments are fine ground and more consistent.  Createx is a good starting paint, and it does have a lot of options.  Also stick with latex paints until/unless you get a good air mask and a paint booth.


My compressor is an air brush compressor from Harbor Freight.  It actually works just fine for what I do.  It comes with a cheap air brush of its own and I use it for a back up or for questionable paints.


You will find that templates are a great help to start.  Check out YouTube for vacuum forming templates as a guide.


Most of all, have fun.  I consider myself a NON-Artist, and yet I have actually had people want to buy my lures just for the paint job.  If I can do it, I know you can.

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I bought my airbrush off of amazon.com for $120, it came with the compressor, and 3 el chepo air brushes. I use the folk art acrylic craft paint from walmart because its readily available (planning to go with createx when i get a better brush though). I've been using this set up for about 3 years now.

I would like to recommend using the search function a on this site, as there is a wealth of information on the topic already here. look for key words like thinning paint, scale patterns, and clear coats to name a few.

Finally, crack open the beverage of your choice and enjoy.

Welcome to TU, the greatest site on earth.

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Just an FYI Createx is not latex but acrylic based and that is what you should start with. I have several high end AB's but still use my NEO you're going to like that little brush it's excellent for the money. Me personally if you can find a 3-6 gallon pancake compressor go for it as AB specific compressors usually don't have tanks for reserve air mine is in my shed and I just run a hose to my paint station in the house maybe 25 feet nice thing about that I don't have to hear the drone of the compressor. I also agree stay away from the craft paint in the beginning, yes it works and works very good but you need to learn the art of paint reduction many AB paints state AB ready but it's hardly ever the case. Whatever brand of AB paint you choose get a bottle of that brands reducer, you'll have plenty of time to make a homebrew but you don't want a beat down from your brush and paint before you even get started. Have fun with it and keep the questions coming.

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Harbor freight has a pancake compressor, its real good deal. I have had mine for about 3 years. Oh its pulses also get a moisture trap with a pressure regulator. The carry a regular airbrush compressor without the reserve tank.

Hooby lobby has airbrushed the neo, iwata eclipse, and badger.

They have a 40% coupon you can use its a great deal. I used the coupon and got the eclipse and I love it.

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