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Thats the new name of this little swimbait UGLY!

What do you think is a fair price for these guys there just under 4'' and work great but they are "UGLY". Ha ive had lots of people that want to get there hands on them alredy. The problem is I dont know how much to charge for the seeing that swimbaits in stores are outrageous prices even the small ones. What do you guys think is a fair price for these that will not turn heads the other way?

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Fish_N_Fool wrote:

LOL Man is that thing UGLY!

TM wrote;

Sorry for offending you fish n fool im sure its not as good as one of your plastic LOGS. I fish for fish not beavers.

It looks like you must think it's pretty UGLY too. LOL

Sence you used my name for them. You can just send the royalitys to me for the use of the name.

And I do like to catch a beaver now and then. LOLOL

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I've been selling them for around a buck each, probably too cheap? There not to hard to pour though. C.J. do you like the colors on these guys? I'll send you a few to try out I'm sure they would be killer in the bay. Do you know of a way that I could get a lead head inside of the bait while its still hot so the heads inside like one of the storm swimbaits? PS check out the gallery I posted a pic of them in a great looking color. I will give you a few if you want to try them C.J.

Thanks, Tm

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yea man i will try them out. to pour it with the head inside on multiple color bait you could just pour the first layer in the bottom then put in the head in and have it held at the right place in the bait and pour the rest. with one color just set the head in and pour.

i will send a PM for some colors that might work because if i try them in bad colors they wont produce and then it wont show how good or bad the bait is but i am sure i will nail the fish on them.

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I'll make you a few to try just get me some colors, I'm going to have to upgrade my molds to at least a 10 cavitie tons of people want them. Someone contacted me about him putting them into production for him. He fishes red fish sea trout tarpon he said he loved em. Do you think I should use a tube type jighead for the bait.

PS when you start making spinnerbaits send me a night fishing one if you get a chance.

Thanks, Tm

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i have hooks and am gonna make some sample molds. can you throw in one bait iof each size made out of just trash plastic so i can have one to tear apart to experament with head designs? and why such a heavy head? maybe you should offer different sizes because i use 1/4 or 3/8 most of the time in the bay where i plan to fish these the most and then i fish heavy baits in the open ocean. just a thought.

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