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What Do You Call The Hook Point Protectors I See Used?

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I've seen clear plastic tubing sections  pushed down over the hook and barb to prevent injury and damage. I've tried several different wording combinations on search features of online lure part retailers but results come up blank. Are folks snipping these from a piece of tubing themselves or is there a product name I'm missing? Thanks. Don

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  On 10/29/2013 at 4:33 AM, Tallbald said:

I've seen clear plastic tubing sections  pushed down over the hook and barb to prevent injury and damage. I've tried several different wording combinations on search features of online lure part retailers but results come up blank. Are folks snipping these from a piece of tubing themselves or is there a product name I'm missing? Thanks. Don


I can't swear to what others are doing, but would think you could buy clear plastic tubing very cheaply and just cut it to whatever length you deem necessary.



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I use to buy it from this guy. it works great on #4 and up. I don't bother with them any more, though.



50 feet for $8.50 free ship and quick

Edited by Richard Prager
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I think BassPro sells something called a hook bonnet, made from plastic that fits over the whole treble hook.  I've bought swimbaits that come with integral hooks covered by plastic tubing.  It's a pain in the butt to remove the tubing before fishing them, and that's just single hooks.

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