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My Holo-mylar foil test :(

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Hi Fellas,

I've been tryin to put some holographic foil in my swimbaits, like storm & others are doing, just wanted to pass along my findings & maybe gather some new ideas from someone else who might be trying this.

typical mylar, like what's used in most craft foils & common glitters dont like hot plastic at all...... the glitter curls & fades and the sheet type instantly turns to something resembling thin tarnished aluminum foil.

Ive been using a variety of materials, holo-lazer foil (adhesive backed) along with some samples of signmaking mylars sent to me from a fellow tacklemaker (thanks Count Dracalure :)

Ive found some glitters that work (embossing type, meant for heat) but no sheet type holographic foils.

I'm wondering what the big boys are using that withstands the heat? polyester?, can that even be available in holographic?....sigh.

anyway, back to the shop/lab...... :|

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How about just using plain old foil and cut it then do what your doing? This would still give you the reflective minnow look. Let me know how it works. Just a thought off the top of my head. I also might have another material that may work let me see if it holds up to heat I will post back.

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How about just using plain old foil and cut it then do what your doing?

This is the stuff I'm talkin bout,

aluminum foil might work, but....naa, I need some Flash :D

Thanks for the thought, & if you do find somethin, let me know.











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Where ya gettin that there holomylar stuff?

I did a lil "horse trading" with a guy that makes signs for a livin,

he was nice enough to send me some scraps & samples, but they dont hold up well to hot plastic.

they have a ton of other uses though..nice & flashy too.

the one on the far right has no pattern, like whats used on YoZuri's lures.

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Hi Red,

I don't read the soft plastic forum very often, so I was a bit surprised to see my name come up. I can't really help with your melting problem, but thought I should let you know that the adhesive backed holographic material is a polyester product. There may be a different poly that would work though. Have you tried any of the flakes made for automotive custom painting? They offer some pretty intense stuff.

Speaking of holographics... I've been experimenting lately with making holograhic epoxy eyes and I've cut some holo scales. Cutting the stuff into a pattern helps it conform to round lures.

Anyway, wish I could be of more help. If I come across something different, I 'll send it down .

Have a good one!

Count Draculure

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Red' date='

would it be possible to put a person in touch with this fellow?[/quote']

:lol: There ya go Reaper

Thanks Count,

By no means was I complaining bout the foils, when we spoke last, I was usin it for wrapping cranks, but gave it a go in the plastic with the results above.

Glad to see your still around.

BTW, Count dracalure made me a an auto sticker for the back window with my logo (redg8r lures) & it turned out awesome!, nice & big, I can recommend his work to everyone, that is if he dont mind B)

Thanks again.

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